Time Traveler Tales

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Time Traveler Tales


  • Boy in the Red Striped Shirt
  • Indian Spirit & Shadow People
  • Six Months in the Future
  • About the show

    During Open Lines, George shared new info from Dr. Morgus about how all of us could travel back and forth in time through a tear in the space-time continuum, but only for three hours on this particular Friday night. George then offered a 'Time Traveler' hotline for those people who successfully returned and wanted to share their tales.

    Joe in Montana said he visited 2055, where he spent 20 years (though his trip took only 10 minutes of our time). The Democrats would win the upcoming elections, he reported, and Hillary Clinton would run and be elected president in 2008. According to Joe, Clinton remains president until 2054 and under her leadership America becomes a socialist state in 2016. He also said the United States will be plunged into economic depression after the majority of Baby Boomers retire. On the bright side, Joe mentioned that vehicles run on a variety of alternative sources instead of fossil fuels.

    Travis in Minnesota told a story about a ghost sighting that greatly upset his then-girlfriend. While driving her home one night, Travis explained, his girlfriend saw the floating torso of young boy with glowing red eyes, wearing a red and white striped shirt and blue cap. Travis later discovered that a young boy in similar clothing had actually been killed on that road, cut in half after a careless driver pinned him to a tree.

    Turi Predictions

    First hour guest, seer and astropsychologist Dr. Louis Turi, discussed the role of the subconscious as well as shared his latest set of predictions for November 2006. The dates are listed below (w/ 48 hours centering the given dates) along with his "keywords" for events:

    • November 9th - Thousands of people forced to relocate, natural disasters, awful weather, beginning and endings of portion of life
    • November 18th – Terrorism, dramatic news involving the police, sex, secrets, famous people death and finances
    • November 25th – Explosions, earthquakes, news about nukes, electronic, NASA and the universe

    Dr. Turi has also made available for FREE his ebook, Moon Power Starguide 2006.

    Bumper Music

    Last Night

    Imperiled Animals / Navajo Rangers
    Imperiled Animals / Navajo Rangers
    Aysha Akhtar spoke with George Knapp about animals as emotional companions and the ways that society mistreats them. Followed by Stanley Milford Jr., who shared how the paranormal became part of his job with the Navajo Rangers.


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