Dr. Louis Turi

Dr. Louis Turi


Like the great prophet, Nostradamus, Dr. Louis Turi was born and raised in Provence, France. Following four incredible solid UFO experiences he was influenced to re-kindle Nostradamus' methods of Divine Astrology and spent many years reviving the Seer's rare cabalistic healing method. In 1976 he graduated from the Royal School of Music in London with the highest distinction. He moved to the US in 1984 and has since established himself as a successful hypnotherapist, an astropsychologist, author of 4 books, and a powerful motivational speaker.

In 1993 he received a metaphysical Doctorate from the Progressive Universal Life Church based in Sacramento, California. His notoriety has skyrocketed after hundreds of accurate predictions such as 9-11, the Asian tsunami, Iraq war, SARS virus and unarguable predictions of major earthquakes that he made on television and radio programs.



Past Shows:

  • Jimmy Hoffa Legacy / The Subconscious & Predictions

    Jack Goldsmith spoke on the notorious life and mysterious death of Jimmy Hoffa. Dr. Luis Turi described the power of the subconscious and made predictions for the next year.More »
  • Navigating the Future / ETs as Time Travelers

    Astrologer and author Louis Turi discussed astrology and good and evil ETs.Michael P. Masters described his theory that aliens are human time travelers.More »
  • Economic Update/ Predictions

    In the first half, author and investment advisor Catherine Austin Fitts provided an update on the current state of the economy in terms of the surging stock market, debt, and commodities. In the latter half, author, seer, and astropsychologist Dr. Louis Turi returned to...More »
  • Biblical Mythos

    Theologian, historian, and publisher of Intrepid magazine, Scotty Roberts, joined by archaeologist Dr. John Ward (in the third hour), discussed their work uncovering historical data to support the biblical story of Exodus, and the existence of Moses. First hour guest,...More »
  • UFO Abduction Investigations

    Director of the UFO Research Ctr. of Pennsylvania, Butch Witkowski, heads up a group of professionals who have organized to perform in-depth investigations of UFO and abduction phenomena including startling reports of human mutilations, which mirror the evidence found at cattle...More »
  • Media Control / Predictions

    In the first half, author Jim Marrs shared his concerns over corporate media control, and the decrease in journalistic standards. In the latter half, astrologer, author, and lecturer, Dr. Louis Turi, outlined the various ways we can navigate and control the future using our...More »
  • Remote Viewing Warnings

    Remote viewing teacher Major Ed Dames discussed his previous prediction of a major quake in Japan, and shared insights into forthcoming quakes, the solar 'Kill Shot,' and safe places to live.More »
  • Forbidden Archeology & Ancient India

    Dissident intellectual Michael Cremo discussed his continuing work in forbidden archeology and human origins, as well as his study of the ancient history of India. A temple complex in South India houses a particular sacred image, a form of the Hindu god Vishnu. According to the...More »
  • Electrical Pollution / Predictions

    In the firs half of the show, screenwriter and producer David Black discussed the negative effects of electrical and technological pollution, which he explores in his new novel, The Extinction Event. In the latter half, seer Dr. Louis Turi shared some of his predictions and...More »
  • Mind Control & Secret Societies

    Researcher Rayelan Allan discussed her unusual and personal experiences in such areas as covert government programs & mind control. First hour guest, seer Dr. Louis Turi outlined four "deadly Plutonic windows."More »
  • Secret Door VI

    After a first hour of Open Lines, six surprise guests joined us in separate segments for our latest edition of Behind the Secret Door. Numerologist Glynis McCants kicked things off with a look at the rest of 2008. Regarding the election, McCain is a 2 'lifepath' and is in a...More »
  • Psychic Trilogy

    Three psychics/intuitives shared their perceptions,methods, and forecasts in separate segments. First up waspsychic mediumTana Hoy, who described being able to see spirit guides and guardian angels, and convey messages from them.More »
  • California Fires Special

    A variety of guests addressed the damaging firestorms in Southern California from different perspectives.More »
  • Roswell UFO Festival Special

    Broadcasting live from the Roswell UFO Festival, George and co-host Richard C. Hoagland welcomed several surprise guests.More »
  • Predictions & Readings

    Appearing in the second-half of the program, seer Dr. Louis Turi shared a predictive update for the rest of 2007 and also provided readings for callers.More »
  • 'Secret Door' Guests

    In a special night of Open Lines, George introduced a "Secret Door Line" in which popular Coast to Coast guests made surprise appearances.More »
  • Predictions Special 2007

    In our New Year's Day Special, George Noory welcomed various guests who shared their predictions for 2007.More »
  • Time Traveler Tales

    During Open Lines, George shared new info from Dr. Morgus about how all of us could travel back and forth in time through a tear in the space-time continuum, but only for three hours on this particular Friday night.More »
  • Science & Spirituality

    Astrophysicist Dr. Bernard Haisch presented his views which offer a bridge between science and spirituality.More »
  • Sirius Mystery & Ancient Oracles

    Author Robert Temple shared his research into The Sirius Mystery as well as the oracles used by the Greeks and other ancients. According to anthropological studies, the Dogon Tribe of Africa developed a religion based on the Sirius star system and were aware of Sirius B (a...More »
  • Forecast: 2006

    Kicking off the New Year, George Noory presented a special 4-hour Predictions Show featuring a group of psychics and prognisticators, each in a half-hour time slot.More »
  • Rebroadcast: Dr. Louis Turi

    In a rebroadcast from 6/15/05, George Noory talked with astropsychologist and seer Dr. Louis Turi, who recounted his UFO abduction experiences and shared predictions. The first hour guest was Johnny Crawford.More »
  • Earth Changes Roundtable

    Geologist Jim Berkland, preparedness expert Stan Deyo, and physicist James McCanney joined together for a roundtable discussion on current and upcoming earth changes. The panelists concurred that there is a correlation between solar activity and earthquakes, weather and other...More »
  • Symbols of Atlantis

    Investigative mythologist William Henry returned to discuss the symbols and lore of Atlantis. "It was the end and beginning of all myths," he said of the fabled continent. Plato believed the high civilization was started by gods, but when its citizens lost their "divine essence"...More »
  • UFOs & Media Coverage

    Journalist Terry Hansen talked about the news media's role and complicity with the U.S. government to suppress honest coverage of the UFO phenomenon in the name of national security.More »
  • Astropsychology, Predictions & UFOs

    Astropsychologist and seer Dr. Louis Turi recounted his UFO abduction experiences and also shared some new predictions. Through hypnosis, he was able to recall being "sucked into the belly of a flying saucer," in August of 1991 during a Southern California highway trip. Turi...More »

Last Night

Imperiled Animals / Navajo Rangers
Imperiled Animals / Navajo Rangers
Aysha Akhtar spoke with George Knapp about animals as emotional companions and the ways that society mistreats them. Followed by Stanley Milford Jr., who shared how the paranormal became part of his job with the Navajo Rangers.


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