God, Reincarnation & Ancient Codes

Hosted byArt Bell

God, Reincarnation & Ancient Codes


  • Gravity, God & Voltages
  • Reincarnation & Expansion
  • About the show

    Engineer, scientist, and author Maurice Cotterell shared his theories gleaned from the codes of ancient civilizations and also touched on his recent work on gravity. The universe, he said, is here to facilitate God's growth. For humans, that means raising their "voltage" level, so when they die, they enhance God's energy-- however if their voltage is diminished, they must reincarnate in a new life form, Cotterell outlined. He stated that such knowledge was encoded in the treasures of the Mayans and the Egyptians.

    His new scientific paper How Gravity Works: The Cause of Universal Attraction between Particles of Matter was recently presented to the UFO Congress in Laughlin, Nevada. Gravity is a traveling force that radiates electromagnetic energy, he said, and could be thought of as the way God holds the universe together

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