Alex Jones' Endgame

Hosted byIan Punnett


Alex Jones' Endgame


  • Eugenics & Transhumanism
  • Two Human Races & H.G. Wells
  • Georgia Guidestones & Population Reduction
  • About the show

    Filmmaker and activist Alex Jones discussed his latest film, Endgame, which chronicles the so-called "global elite's" rise to power and purportedly reveals their secret plan to reduce the world's population by 80%.

    Jones traced the origin of The Bilderberg Group and their several-decades-long pursuit of 'negative eugenics,' a movement which advocated various methods (e.g., abortion, forced sterilization) to control human reproduction/population. According to Jones, the elites have been working to create a world government under which a scared and submissive populace will unknowingly be victims of staged releases of bioweapons and deadly superplagues.

    "Despite everything they [the global elite] have been doing, they have been unable to get the numbers that they wanted [dead]," Jones said, noting that the globalists are behind schedule by at least six years. Jones also talked about Transhumanism, H.G. Wells, Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger, and the Georgia Guidestones. View the official 'Endgame' trailer, and get more info on the topic at

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