Forecast for 2008

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Forecast for 2008

About the show

Intuitive Sean David Morton shared his forecast for 2008 and beyond. We have entered the astrological period of Pluto in Capricorn and in relation to this, we could see a "huge revolution" against the Federal Reserve and U.S. tax system, a breakdown in ecological systems, increased tectonic movements, the end of cheap oil, and a fight over natural resources, he detailed.

Among Morton's other predictions & comments:

  • Governments are becoming more fascistic and using technology to control people-- there could be riots in Chicago and Seattle in response to this.
  • The Subprime meltdown is going to get worse, and we'll see the bottom of the housing market between June and August.
  • Gold will continue to rise in value, eventually hitting 1200. Silver is a good buy and will rise to $30 by the end of the year.
  • A diversified portfolio is best for investments, with about 30% in long term stocks such as Chevron, RTZ and GE.
  • The dollar is going to rebound a bit this year.
  • A war between India and Pakistan, possibly involving a nuclear exchange, is a concern this year.
  • The Supreme Court will make a ruling in favor of gun owners this June.
  • Bryomixol is showing promise as an alternative cancer treatment.

Corsi Commentary

First hour guest, author Jerome Corsi offered commentary on current events. Regarding the Middle East, he expressed concern that the US might use a 'Gulf of Tonkin' type incident as an excuse to attack Iran.

Bumper Music

Last Night

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Financial Cycles / Remote Viewing Operations
Consultant Harry Dent discussed the economic landscape and why he believes we're headed for a crash. Followed by remote viewer and trainer Lyn Buchanan on remote viewing operations.


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