Cryptozoology, UFOs and Crop Circles

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Cryptozoology, UFOs and Crop Circles

About the show

Researcher Nick Redfern discussed his 2-year transatlantic hunt, investigating Bigfoot, werewolves, lake monsters, Mothman-type creatures, UFOs and crop circles.

Bigfoot or 'wildman of the woods' reports date as far back as 1100 AD in Britain. In recent times, a number of Bigfoot cases in the U.K. took place near ancient stone circles or prehistoric burial mounds and sometimes peoples' car engines/lights would fail around the time of a sighting. UFOs or balls of light are occasionally seen in association with Bigfoot, such as in the 'Big Thicket' in southeast Texas, he noted.These facts suggest to Redfern there may be a paranormal aspect to the Bigfoot creature-- it could have the ability to traverse realms, and its travel through portals may stir up electromagnetic activity.

He also heard witness accounts of werewolf-type creatures. A farmer in Paradise, TX told him of finding a disemboweled animal, then seeing a man-like figure with a snout like a German shepherd. Later, the farmer found a strange carved head on his property, which led Redfern to suspect the werewolf might've been conjured in a black magic ritual.

In his investigation of crop circles, he interviewed a circle maker, who said he was guided by a higher power when constructing the field patterns. Strange phenomena including missing time, balls of light, and animalistic screams, sometimes accompanied his activity, the circle maker told him.

CERN Dangers

First hour guest, physicist Dr. Walter L. Wagner spoke about possible dangers from upcoming experiments conducted by CERN’s Large Hadron Collider, and an accident that occurred there a number of months ago. Assurances that all will be fine at CERN are not borne out by the evidence, he said, and a lawsuit to postpone testing is proceeding

Bumper Music

Last Night

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Self-Love & Relationships / Differences Between Men and Women
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