Predictions for 2009 - Part I

Hosted byArt Bell

Predictions for 2009 - Part I

About the show

Art Bell hosted Part I of his Annual Predictions Show, with callers sharing one event they see coming in 2009. Here are some of the predictions Coast listeners made for 2009:

  • Martial law will be declared in some cities, said Brian from Portland.

  • Jason in Nevada predicted that a nuclear device will go off in the Saudi oil fields.

  • Keith in Ontario said 2009 will be the 'Year of the Homicide,' with the rate of murder spiking in the United States due to the dire economic circumstances.

  • 'The Max' in Pueblo said that on 9/15/09 a global or nationwide pandemic would be unleashed by the US govt. as a form of population control.

  • One caller predicted inflation would rise by 15% by the 4th quarter.

  • Robin in Toronto sees major flooding in the Southern U.S.

  • Tim from Salem, Ore. foresees life outside our solar system being discovered by either NASA or SETI.

  • A cocker spaniel will be the White House first dog stated one listener.

  • A high profile person will be involved in an accident related to a tire, declared Greg.

  • Before the end of April, there'll be a bloodbath at the Mexico/Arizona border, serving as a catalyst for troops to be brought in, a listener suggested.

  • Paul believes there'll be earth movement on the SW coast of Australia.

  • California will shake from a quake centered around Orange County, said Sam from Calabasas.

  • Valerie in Oklahoma City predicts a fire at an American-owned hotel, with a high loss of life but also miracle rescues.

  • George Noory will marry in 2009, declared one caller.

Art also reviewed callers' predictions made for 2008. Here are some of the hits and misses.

Hits (Dings):

  • Dow falls below 11,000.
  • The US economy hits a wall mid-year.
  • A major train wreck will occur.
  • Silver goes over $20 an ounce.
  • California runs out of money.
  • More high school shootings.

Bonks (Misses):

  • US & China go to war.
  • Air Force One disappears.
  • Zahi Hawass steps down.
  • A quake hits California on June 21st.
  • Mount Etna explodes.
  • US boycotts the Olympics.
  • Gore jumps into the race.
  • Peace in the Middle East.
  • US & Canada combine currency.

Related Articles:

Stephen Wagner of Paranormal Phenomena presents a round-up of the top paranormal events of 2008, including ghosts, Bigfoot, Earth mysteries, psychic activity, and strange creatures (the 'Creepy Gnome' of Argentina is pictured). The complete list can be found here.

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