Extinctions & Mysterious Lights

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Extinctions & Mysterious Lights

About the show

Investigative reporter Linda Moulton Howe discussed extinctions related to nanodiamond discoveries, and mysterious aerial sightings. 12,900 years ago something suddenly plunged most of the Northern Hemisphere into a deep freeze in less than a year, and at least 16 large animal species were wiped out during this time. Mammoths unearthed in ice were found to have plants in their mouths, indicating that something sudden took place, while other creatures were reported to have twisted spines, as though thrown by unidentified forces.

Prof. of Anthropology, Douglas Kennett shared his research with Linda connecting the extinctions with nanodiamonds found in sedimentary layers. The nanodiamonds were dated to 12,900 years ago and formed under "very high temperatures and pressures consistent with a major cosmic impact event," he said. Prof. of Geology, Ted Bunch suggested that comet debris impacted with Earth, leading to the drastic climate change at that time. For more, see Linda's reports, Part 1, Part 2.

A witness named Bobby Howe told Linda of seeing an odd V-shaped aerial craft over Florida in 1987. It was longer than a football field, about two stories high, and you could see stars though it, he said. It had amber lights on its bottom that were the same shape as the overall craft, and at times disappeared into the clouds, he added. This type of craft matches other reports Linda has received. More here. She also presented an interview with Penny Rubsam, who photographed unusual aerial lights near Reno, Nevada that were similar to images taken in Stephenville. View report/photos.

ET Reports

First hour guest, regression therapist Barbara Lamb shared information on ETs, based on hypnosis sessions with her clients. There are many different species coming here, with different agendas, she reported. Some are self-serving, such as those conducting their reproduction/hybrid program, while other ETs are more caring, and seek to upgrade the frequency of the human body, she said.

Bumper Music

Last Night

Imperiled Animals / Navajo Rangers
Imperiled Animals / Navajo Rangers
Aysha Akhtar spoke with George Knapp about animals as emotional companions and the ways that society mistreats them. Followed by Stanley Milford Jr., who shared how the paranormal became part of his job with the Navajo Rangers.


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