The Science of Alchemy

Hosted byIan Punnett

The Science of Alchemy

About the show

Investigator of alternative technologies and physics, Joseph P. Farrell discussed his research into ancient alchemy and how the principles behind it may have been used by Nazi scientists. Farrell cautioned against dismissing alchemy as a "psuedo science," noting that the concept has endured for hundreds of years. "They wouldn't be doing this if, in some cases, they didn't have some success," he said. According to Farrell, the historical record is replete with "numerous occasions" of alchemists claiming to have been successful in their experiments.

Looking at how alchemical science may have played a part in recent history, Farrell pointed out that it is often forgotten by historians that "alchemy was kind of a popular hobby, in between the wars, inside of Germany." Around the same time, he said, there were serious scientific studies being done by German companies, aimed at mastering the ancient practice. He theorized that the infamous project "The Bell" was evidence that the Nazis were working with the same concepts that were used by historical alchemists. However, such experiments had goals far beyond turning base metals into gold.

Some potential possibilities as a result of successfully harnessing the transformative powers attributed to alchemy, Farrell said, would be free energy and a new form of propulsion. But it is the ability to weaponize this advanced science, he believes, which keeps the "powers that be" from revealing it to the world. Despite such concerns, Farrell said, "we're fast approaching the day when we can no longer afford, as a planet, to ignore its beneficial applications."

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