UFOs & Disinformation

Hosted byGeorge Noory

UFOs & Disinformation

About the show

Appearing during the middle two hours, researcher into alternative realities, John Michael Greer discussed his new book The UFO Phenomenon, which looks at how disinformation and mythologies play into belief systems about UFOs. The dialogue about UFOs has been stuck with a pair of opposing assumptions-- namely, that UFOs are alien spacecraft and the skeptics' point of view declaring that they don't exist at all.

No one hypothesis can account for all UFO cases, yet people try to lump them together with the same explanation, he noted. Some sightings could actually be related to "earthquake lights," a natural phenomenon generated with tectonic effects. People tend to project their own cultural beliefs on the unexplained. Greer drew parallels between UFO encounters and paranormal experiences that have occurred throughout history. Alien abduction cases share similarities to shamanic experiences, he said.

Greer was surprised to find in his research that military disinformation efforts, such as by Air Force intelligence in the US, are likely related to many sightings. They encourage the explanation of alien craft in order to cover up their own activities which they don't want to admit, he suggested. The 1952 flap, where UFOs were seen over Washington, might have been such a disinformation effort, he commented. Greer also touched on his studies of the occult.

The last hour featured Open Lines and a replay of George's interview with two International Space Station astronauts from 3/16/04.

Ammo Shortage

First hour guest, Douglas Hagmann of Northeast Intelligence Network talked about the shortage of ammo that has been seen around the country. People could be stocking up in anticipation of gun control laws. More here.


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Bumper Music

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