John Michael Greer

John Michael Greer


John Michael Greer has been a student of monster lore and the occult since 1975. He is also the author of several books, including Natural Magic: Potions and Powers from the Magical Garden, Circles of Power: Ritual Magic in the Western Tradition, and Inside a Magical Lodge He has written articles for Renaissance Magazine, Golden Dawn Journal, Mezlim, New Moon Rising, Gnosis, and Alexandria.

A student and practitioner of geomancy and sacred geometry for more than twenty years, fluent in Latin and medieval French for the past five years, and a Certified Tarot Grand Master, Greer has studied geomantic texts from the Middle Ages and Renaissance, learning and testing out the techniques that were used when geomancy was at its height. Greer is an active member of five fraternal and two magical lodges. He lives in Seattle, where he studied the legends and monster lore of the Pacific Northwest and attends lodge meetings in a building with its own resident ghosts.



Past Shows:

  • Weather Control & Bitcoin/ Magic Techniques

    Meteorologist Scott Stevens talked about weather modification and his interest in Bitcoin. Author John Michael Greer offered tips on using magic.More »
  • Apocalypse Not

    Appearing during the middle two hours, longtime researcher and explorer in alternative realities, John Michael Greer, discussed his new work demonstrating how history has proven that apocalyptic and revolutionary notions such as the Rapture and the Singularity will never happen,...More »
  • UFOs & Disinformation

    Appearing during the middle two hours, researcher into alternative realities, John Michael Greer discussed his new book The UFO Phenomenon, which looks at how disinformation and mythologies play into belief systems about UFOs. The dialogue about UFOs has been stuck with a pair...More »
  • End of the Industrial Age

    Researcher and explorer in alternative realities John Michael Greer discussed his new work exploring the decline and fall of the Industrial Age and what it means to our future. According to Greer, the end of our civilization will be a gradual process and "within 100 to 300 years...More »
  • Monster Lore

    Author and Druid practitioner John Michael Greer shared facts and folklore about vampires, ghosts, werewolves, demons and other creatures from his book, Monsters -- An Investigator's Guide To Magical Beings. According to Greer, the term 'monster' originally meant "that which is...More »

Last Night

Imperiled Animals / Navajo Rangers
Imperiled Animals / Navajo Rangers
Aysha Akhtar spoke with George Knapp about animals as emotional companions and the ways that society mistreats them. Followed by Stanley Milford Jr., who shared how the paranormal became part of his job with the Navajo Rangers.


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