Thermite & 9-11, Crop Circles, & Solar Cycles

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Thermite & 9-11, Crop Circles, & Solar Cycles

About the show

Investigative reporter Linda Moulton Howe discussed explosive material found in 9/11 World Trade Center dust, English crop circle formations, and Earth's quiet sun. An April 2009 report in the Open Chemical Physics Journal by a Danish chemist and American physicist said that nanotechnolgy-produced thermite was found in dust samples at the WTC site after the 9-11 attacks. Linda spoke with Prof. David Harrit of the Univ. of Copenhagen who told her that Livermore Lab was producing such material for military purposes and "there is no doubt that the explosions of the future will be nanothermitic."

She also interviewed Steven E. Jones, Ph.D., who co-authored the report with Harrit. He spoke about how NIST (National Institute for Standards and Technology) refused to look for explosives in the residue, in their congressional ordered investigation into 9-11. For more, see Linda's Earthfiles reports, Part 1, Part 2.

England's first crop formations of 2009 feature intricate geometries somehow created in the thick tangles of yellow, flowering oilseed rape. Yet, these crop formations in Wiltshire near the ancient stone circles of Avebury were pristine, without any signs of trails leading in or out, she detailed. Linda talked with crop circle researcher Charles Mallett about the complex new designs and their possible astronomical significance and relation to the ending of the Mayan long count calendar in December 2012. For photos and further info, go here.

In her last report, Linda spoke with solar physicist David Hathaway about Earth's quiet sun, blank without sunspots for most of the past year and a half. It is approaching thirteen years between minimums, which could be the longest stretch since the 1700s. If such solar inactivity continues, it may help slow global warming effects, said Hathaway.

Walk-Ins & Earthbound Spirits

First hour guest, ghostbuster Mary Ann Winkowski discussed the phenomenon of walk-ins, in which an earthbound spirit inhabits the body of a person whose soul has departed. Such spirits are specifically looking to reclaim a body, but it is not the same as possession, she explained.

Bumper Music

Last Night

The Final War / Earthing & Trauma Healing
The Final War / Earthing & Trauma Healing
Filmmaker Max Lebow discussed The Final War, a podcast series chronicling his experience being targeted by a shadowy group. Followed by philanthropist Elisabeth Carson, who spoke about the power of earthing and trauma healing.


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