Monsters & Creatures

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Monsters & Creatures

About the show

Folklore researcher Neil Arnold discussed his study of a surreal safari of monsters including winged humanoids, paranormal 'manimals,' hellhounds, Asian vampires, and other creatures. He has classified such creatures as "zooforms," a term first used by Jonathan Downes to connote entities or apparitions which seem to adopt an animal form, in contrast to cryptozoological specimens, which are flesh and blood but haven't been officially discovered yet. Zooforms which may reside in an astral realm, could have a need to be seen by humans, or be part of the human psyche, he explained.

Such entities may have always been with us-- in ancient Greece, there was a whole host of mythological creatures such as the minotaur-- but today, we call them by different names, said Arnold. America is a particularly rich breeding ground for such reports, with Mothman and the Jersey Devil among the most well-known, he noted. Sometimes reports of a strange creature in a town can snowball, with strengthening belief leading to increased sightings, he added.

Among the creatures he highlighted:

  • Monkey Man-- a weird apparition resembling a monkey, said to bite the skull of victims in India.
  • Flying Heads-- reportedly terrorized people in Chile.
  • Bunny Man-- said to roam parts of Virginia, killing local rabbits and wearing their skins as costumes.
  • Owl Man-- seen by teenage girls in the U.K. near an old church; had the arms & legs of a human, huge talons, burning red eyes.
  • Goatman-- a hominid described as half-goat/half-man by Maryland residents; could be the result of a scientific experiment gone awry.

Arnold is working on a new book about the 'monsters' of London, featuring such entities as the Highgate Vampire, a 7-8 ft.-tall dark entity, with red eyes.

JFK Assassination Cover-Up

Last hour guests, author Jim Marrs and analyst Douglas Horne spoke about evidence for a government cover-up of medical evidence in the JFK assassination. Fabrication and destruction of evidence was carried out within the US government, said Mars, and Horne outlined several different areas of fraud. These included numerous destroyed or missing X-ray images, as well as alterations. The Zapruder film was also doctored, to cover up the exit wound, Horne commented.

Bumper Music

Last Night

Imperiled Animals / Navajo Rangers
Imperiled Animals / Navajo Rangers
Aysha Akhtar spoke with George Knapp about animals as emotional companions and the ways that society mistreats them. Followed by Stanley Milford Jr., who shared how the paranormal became part of his job with the Navajo Rangers.


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