Shroud of Turin

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Shroud of Turin

About the show

Official documenting photographer for the Shroud of Turin Research Project, Barrie Schwortz (related site: discussed the Shroud, what it is, its meaning, authenticity, and how it brings together religion and science. The Shroud, an ancient linen burial cloth measuring 14.5 ft. by 3.5 ft, is imprinted with the image of a man on both its back and front sides, that many believe was Jesus Christ. Schwortz examined the cloth firsthand in 1978, and his detailed photographs have been widely studied. The cloth shows evidence of marks and bruises, crucifixion indentations in the hands and feet, spear wounds on the side, as well as bloodstains on the head as if from a crown of thorns, he detailed. He finds the crown evidence particularly convincing, as this was not typical of crucifixion wounds of the era.

DNA results collected from the Shroud have not proved to be viable as there has been much contamination due to handling of the relic over the centuries, Schwortz noted. As to how the image was imprinted onto the cloth, scientific tests have shown it's neither a painting or a photograph. The "vapor theory" first suggested by a French researcher in the 1930s, was tested by a scientist from Los Alamos Lab. He found that chemicals akin to polysaccharides might have been coated in the fabric before it was laid on the dead body, which was out-gassing vapors. This combination possibly led to a chemical reaction that caused the imprinting. Other theories include radiation, and a burst of energy or light such as from the resurrection.

Schwortz refuted a current report raising questions about the Shroud's authenticity. A new burial cloth was found that dates to the time of Jesus, but it's made out of different material than the Shroud-- people were buried in a variety of cloths that were still consistent with Jewish custom, he said. Author Jerome Corsi joined the conversation for a segment, discussing his forthcoming novel, The Shroud Codex. Rarely shown in public, the Shroud will be presented in an Exposition at the Turin Cathedral from April 10th to May 23rd 2010.

Earth Changes Update

Last hour guest, earth changes expert Mitch Battros shared updates. A recent report revealed that the Yellowstone caldera is 20% larger than previously thought. Should this volcano erupt, it could cover half of the U.S. in ash, he warned. Also, Solar Cycle 24 is starting to wake up and he believes it will slowly escalate so that by 2011 we could experience damaging X-class flares.

Bumper Music

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