Jesus' Early Years & Mystery Teachings

Hosted byIan Punnett

Jesus' Early Years & Mystery Teachings


  • Sweet: Types of Prayer
  • Missing Years of Jesus
  • Mystery Traditions
  • About the show

    Where was Jesus for the first 30 years of his life and what was he taught? These are among the questions explored when clairvoyant and historian Tricia McCannon joined us Christmas night with Ian Punnett. Citing details that emerged in Dolores Cannon's regression work, Jesus was with the Essenes at age 8. Later, he went to England three different times, traveling by ship. From ages 14-15, he was in Celtic lands studying with the Druids, said McCannon.

    Then, he traveled east by ship to India, and studied with Hindu teachers, she continued. Around age 20, assassins were sent to kill Jesus, according to documents in the Hemis library, and he fled to a Buddhist monastery where he lived for six years, and was acknowledged as the second Buddha.

    She talked about her research into the Mystery Schools such as practiced in ancient Egypt, Greece, and Persia, and by the Hindu and Druids. "The bigger picture according to the Mysteries, would be that everything goes through cycles," McCannon noted, adding that we move through 4 ages with different levels of spirit vs. matter-- golden (most spirit), silver, bronze, and the current dark age (least spirit). She also addressed her spiritual work with a group of ascended masters who teach a specific path to the divine: God can be experienced through love, sound, and light.

    Power of Prayer

    First hour guest, Bill Sweet, discussed the power of prayer. Interestingly, experiments done with people praying over unhealthy plants showed that non-directed prayer was often more effective than goal-oriented prayer, in normalizing the health of the plants, he reported. Higher quality prayers, such as those done with respect, can also help increase positive outcomes, he noted.


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