Earth Changes & Golden Cities

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Earth Changes & Golden Cities

About the show

Known for her Earth changes prophecies, and the I AM America Map which shows vast swaths of North America submerged, Lori Toye (blog) discussed her latest work on the vital role of the 'Golden Cities' – possible safe places during cataclysmic changes. These spiritual havens, which are situated on interconnecting ley lines, will aid in the reconstruction of sustainable communities for future generations, she said, adding that there are five such areas in the United States each 270 miles across-- Gobean (Arizona & New Mexico including Pinetop, AZ), Malton (Illinois & Indiana including Mattoon, IL), Wahanee (Georgia & South Carolina including Augusta, GA), Shalaha (Montana & Idaho including Missoula, MT), and Klehma (Colorado, Kansas, & Nebraska including Cope, CO). Internationally, there are a total of 51 golden cities, she stated.

Toye, who receives her information in a trance state from spirit beings or "master teachers," noted that some of the Earth changes may not be as drastic as originally depicted on her maps (such as the entire West Coast underwater). Prayer and enlightened human consciousness can positively affect circumstances, she pointed out. In a forthcoming book, she'll be revealing a new map which shows Earth in the distant past when lands such as Rama, Mu, Atlantis, and Amaru (where the US now is) once existed.

According to her sources, as we move into the "new times," there'll be a whole new generation of souls (like the Indigo children) that will help raise the Earth's vibration. We'll learn how to tap into specific areas of the Earth, and develop interdimensional travel, she continued. Yet, we'll be faced with dramatic earth changes over the next century, such as an asteroid or meteor impact in the Nevada desert that will set off a series of cataclysms including earthquakes, volcanoes, non-stop rain, and a possible pole shift, she cautioned.

Psychology of Tarot

First hour guest, psychologist Dr. Art Rosengarten spoke about using Tarot cards for self-exploration, problem-solving, & spiritual reflection. While the cards can be used for divination, he believes they are most compelling in looking at a person's present circumstance. There are established meanings for the different cards in the Tarot deck, but the reader brings in their own personality and interpretation to a given reading, he noted. Modern oracles such as Tarot and the I Ching offer three things-- they translate a problem or question into an image language, they mirror unconscious forces, and they capitalize on communication from the inner spirit, he detailed.

News segment guest: Craig Hulet

Bumper Music

Last Night

Imperiled Animals / Navajo Rangers
Imperiled Animals / Navajo Rangers
Aysha Akhtar spoke with George Knapp about animals as emotional companions and the ways that society mistreats them. Followed by Stanley Milford Jr., who shared how the paranormal became part of his job with the Navajo Rangers.


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