Arthur Rosengarten

Arthur Rosengarten


Art Rosengarten is a clinical psychologist, author, and tarot expert, who discusses tarot as a potentially high-powered, psychospiritual instrument for the 21st century owing to its unique and highly potent therapeutic qualities. Dr. Rosengarten sees value in using this seemingly archaic, New Age, or occult procedure to approach many of the personal, cultural, political, and global problems of our age. Art has been a guest on Coast to Coast AM many times in the past, and his book, Tarot and Psychology: Spectrums of Possibility is considered a classic in the field. He believes his highly original deck "Tarot of the Nine Paths: Advanced Tarot for the Spiritual Traveler," has "expanded the ancient edifice without violating its sacred architecture" with the addition of 5 new trumps.



Past Shows:

  • George Noory's Birthday Party

    On this special show, we celebrated George Noory's birthday with guests SETI astronomer Seth Shostak, investigative researcher Mark Shaw, author James Paris, and Tarot therapist Art Rosengarten.More »
  • Tarot Readings / Phoenix Lights

    Dr. Art Rosengarten discussed the benefits of tarot card readings for insight and awareness. Followed by Cheryll Jones presenting her interview with Phoenix Lights witness Dr. Lynne Kitei.More »
  • Secret Door Special XXIII

    In our Secret Door special, George interviewed a surprise guest each hour. First through the Door was author Dannion Brinkley, followed by Tarot expert Art Rosengarten, SETI astronomer Seth Shostak, and anomaly researcher Billy Carson.More »
  • Tarot Insights / Open Lines

    Art Rosengarten described tarot cards as a tool of psychotherapy. Followed by Open Lines in the latter half.More »
  • Dangers of 5G Cellular/ Magic of Tarot

    Matthew Landman discussed the dangers of 5G technology. Art Rosengarten spoke on the use of the tarot as a psychological tool.More »
  • NDEs & Afterlife/ Tarot Insights

    Dannion Brinkley talks about his life-changing NDEs. Followed by Art Rosengarten on the therapeutic use of Tarot.More »
  • Tarot & Therapy/ Open Lines

    Art Rosengarten revealed the therapeutic value of the Tarot. Friday-the-13th Open Lines occupied the latter half.More »
  • Mind Control & Programming/ The Tarot

    In the first half, medical intuitive, author and lecturer Stewart Swerdlow talked about mind control and various concepts such as "end times programming," and a "staged alien invasion." In the latter half, clinical psychologist Art Rosengarten discussed the 600-year old...More »
  • Privacy & Tracking

    Katherine Albrecht, a consumer privacy expert and VP of, the world's most private search engine, discussed the latest RFID technologies being used to track not only products but humans, and their movement and activity. She announced that Macy's is considering...More »
  • Earth Changes & Golden Cities

    Known for her Earth changes prophecies, and the I AM America Map which shows vast swaths of North America submerged, Lori Toye (blog) discussed her latest work on the vital role of the 'Golden Cities' – possible safe places during cataclysmic changes. First hour guest,...More »
  • Alien Photos, Other Realms, & Tarot

    In latter of the half of the program, investigator Joshua P. Warren talked about the photos of a small alien-appearing creature that was killed by a rancher in Mexico. First hour guest, psychologist Dr. Art Rosengarten spoke about his use of Tarot cards for divination...More »
  • Tarot as a Tool

    "Eclectic psychologist" Art Rosengarten shared his insights about using Tarot as a tool for understanding the present. "Tarot cards are way-showers," he said. They are "images and symbols that capture universal trends that all people have in the background of their...More »
  • Art Rosengarten / John Burnett

    While sailing alone one night in the shipping lanes across one of the busiest waterways in the world, John Burnett was attacked by pirates. Through sheer ingenuity and a little bit of luck, he survived, and his shocking firsthand experience became the inspiration for this book....More »
  • Arthur Rosengarten

    Arthur Rosengarten is a licensed clinical psychologist, professional Tarotreader and teacher with twenty-five years of experience in both disciplines.Currently in private practice, he teaches the Tarot Circle, and leadscontinuing education workshops on Symbols and Synchronicity...More »

Last Night

Financial Cycles / Remote Viewing Operations
Financial Cycles / Remote Viewing Operations
Consultant Harry Dent discussed the economic landscape and why he believes we're headed for a crash. Followed by remote viewer and trainer Lyn Buchanan on remote viewing operations.


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