Auras & Parallel Universes

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Auras & Parallel Universes

About the show

Author and consultant Pam Oslie discussed her ability to read and interpret auras, as well as evidence for parallel universes, and how we can navigate them. People have different color auras, which she sees as a field or bands stretching out about six feet around them. The bands closest to the body are "life colors" which stay the same, she noted, while the outer bands change in color and reflect passing emotions. To get started in seeing auras, she suggested that you put someone in front of a white background, "and then just kind of look past them with soft eyes, and the first thing you'll probably see is this white glow around their head."

The specific colors of the life auras such as violet, tan, green, and yellow, are associated with different personality types, she explained. For instance, violets are visionaries and dreamers, reds are powerful, volatile, and strong-tempered, yellows are youthful and enjoy fun, greens are willful and tend to be workaholics, and lavenders are sweet, sensitive, and child-like, she detailed. She provides an Aura Quiz on her website to help determine what your true colors are. Based on your individual aura, you'll tend to be more compatible with specific aura color personalities, Oslie said, and to that end she developed the LoveColors online dating site.

She talked about how time doesn't really exist, and is merely a constraint we use in this reality. Along those lines, different parallel universes co-exist with ours, she said, adding that she is able to intentionally travel to or communicate with people in these other realms. As quantum physics has theorized, we can be in multiple places at the same time, and Oslie believes we seamlessly shift in and out of different universes (by the choices we make), without even consciously realizing it.

Starchild Skull Update

First hour guest, researcher Lloyd Pye shared an update on the Starchild Skull, an anomalous, possibly alien, 900-year-old bone skull found in Mexico in the 1930s. Even though it's called the Starchild, he believes the skull actually belonged to an adult because the teeth that were present were considerably worn. The latest DNA testing of the skull has uncovered 56 differences between it and humans-- much more than the genetic differences between humans and other animals, he reported. For more on the DNA testing, see Pye's in-depth essay.

News segment guests: Cal Orey, Greg Hunter

Bumper Music

Last Night

Imperiled Animals / Navajo Rangers
Imperiled Animals / Navajo Rangers
Aysha Akhtar spoke with George Knapp about animals as emotional companions and the ways that society mistreats them. Followed by Stanley Milford Jr., who shared how the paranormal became part of his job with the Navajo Rangers.


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