Pamala Oslie

Pamala Oslie


Pamala Oslie is an author, consultant, lecturer, and professional psychic. She has a very extensive and loyal clientele, including many celebrities. Pamala is a popular guest on many television and radio shows, and hosts her own radio show in Santa Barbara, which is also simulcast internationally via the Internet. She interviews world-renown authors, scientists, and celebrities; discusses diverse topics; and gives personal aura readings to listeners.

Since 1983, she has traveled throughout the country presenting seminars & conducting workshops about the emerging human potential, psychic abilities, auras, and the power of our beliefs to create our reality. She has also been a speaker at international conferences such as The International Forum on New Science, and a featured presenter for Fortune 500 companies.



Past Shows:

  • Humanity’s Future / Preparing for a Solar Minimum

    Psychic medium Pam Oslie discussed her ability to traverse into parallel universes, and where she believes humanity is headed in the future. Followed by author Hugh Simpson on the effects a grand solar minimum will have on our planet.More »
  • Auras & Parallel Worlds / Paranormal True Stories

    Aura reader Pam Oslie talked about her technique and intersecting parallel universes. Followed by author John Olsen on paranormal tales and 'glitches in the matrix.'More »
  • Ancient Giants in America

    Appearing during the middle two hours of the show, writer and editor for the History Channel and other networks, Richard Dewhurst, discussed evidence for an advanced race of giants in North America. First hour guest, author and consultant Pam Oslie talked about the concept...More »
  • Auras & Open Lines

    In the first half of Friday's program, George Noory welcomed author and consultant Pam Oslie for a discussion on auras and what they mean, as well as how our consciousness creates reality. Open Lines followed.More »
  • Auras & Parallel Universes

    Author and consultant Pam Oslie discussed her ability to read and interpret auras, as well as evidence for parallel universes, and how we can navigate them. Everyone has different color auras, which she sees as a field or bands stretching out about six feet around them. ...More »

Last Night

Self-Love & Relationships / Differences Between Men and Women
Self-Love & Relationships / Differences Between Men and Women
Transformational leader Shenal Arimilli discussed the importance of self-love and its impact on relationships. Followed by communication and relationship expert Dr. John Gray who delved into the biological and psychological differences between men and women.


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