MERS, Sinkholes, & Crop Circles

Hosted byGeorge Noory

MERS, Sinkholes, & Crop Circles

About the show

Investigative reporter Linda Moulton Howe discussed a new coronavirus called MERS, a link between the boom mystery, increasing frequency of sinkholes, and earth changes, as well as updates on crop circles, and the dire honey bee situation. Her first report looked at MERS - Middle Eastern Respiratory Syndrome – a virus that was first observed in Saudi Arabia and has spread to France, Tunisia, Germany, Jordan, Qatar and the United Kingdom, in some cases through human to human contact. As of May 21st, the World Health Organization has confirmed 44 cases and 22 deaths – an alarming 50% mortality rate. The illness appears similar to SARS, as both attack the lungs, and kill by pneumonia and kidney failure. Linda spoke with microbiologist Dr. Susan Baker who noted that MERS is similar to a virus found in bats, and may have spread to humans from them or an intermediate host. There were aggressive health measures to curb the spread of SARS during its outbreak in 2003, but as of yet this kind of strategy has not been adopted with MERS. More here.

In Lakeport, California, on May 6, 2013, Robin and Scott Spivey, a former building inspector, were stunned after their home dropped 10 feet below the street. Eight other homes in the area have also sunk, while ten other homeowners have been given "notice of imminent evacuation" because the unexplained ground sinking jeopardizes them as well. She interviewed Kevin Ingram and Anthony Farrington, officials with Lake County, and they reported that the problem originated from at least 25 feet down into the ground. According to an engineer who has been in touch with Linda, a geophysicist he worked with on military contracts for the US Air Force told him that "since 2011, many geologists have noticed almost a 1000% increase in soil liquefaction," which might explain the more frequent sinkholes. The geophysicist also said that he and his colleagues "believe something is going on in the inner core of the Earth. They don't know if it's a magnetic pole change; [or] restructuring of minerals within the soil down to the mantle and core," and could be related to the mysterious boom sounds heard around the country. Further info.

The first 2013 crop formation reported in the world came in 4-foot-tall grass growing for hay on a farm in Gray, Tennessee, first seen on May 13th, about 21 miles north of Johnson City. Linda spoke with investigator Roger Sugden who found it be anomalous in the way the tall grass was intricately placed down and there was no disturbance of any kind in the soil and field around the unusual pattern. She also interviewed land owner Connie Osborne, who said that witnesses reported seeing a hovering blue light in the area of the crop formation 10 days before the pattern appeared. Another resident of Gray, TN, Robin Wheelock, revealed that when she was standing in the grass formation, mysterious orbs could be seen on video footage recorded of her. More.

In her last report, Linda delved into honey bee deaths in the Fall/Winter of 2012/2013, in which at least one-third of U.S. colonies died out. Entomologist Dennis vanEngelstorp at the University of Maryland has warned that "we're getting closer and closer to the point where we don't have enough bees in this country to meet pollination demands." Tom Theobald, owner of Niwot Honey Farm in Colorado, outlined the seriousness of the problem, calling it an environmental disaster. He pointed to soil contaminants such as Clothianidin (a pesticide) as one of the causes, and noted that it will take years for it to be purged out of the soil. Further info.

Psychology of Arguments

First hour guest, Dr. Peter Breggin reacted to a report that shouting helps you win arguments. The study drew conclusions from the Twitter postings of sports commentators, but this data isn't really reflective of the dynamics in actual interactions and conversation, he remarked. What can happen in an argument if you overwhelm the other person is that they may stop listening, act cowed, or leave the room, "but you haven't convinced them at all of anything," he said. The kind of communication in which you change minds is when you reach out to the other person and find some common ground, and try to influence them with reason and thoughtfulness, Breggin continued.

News segment guests: Richard C. Hoagland, Mitch Battros - related image, Christian Wilde

Bumper Music

Last Night

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