Alien Contacts

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Alien Contacts

About the show

In the second hour, longtime paranormal researcher and investigator James Carman discussed his documentary The Hidden Hand (view trailer) which explores such topics as alien abduction and human/alien hybridization. The paradigm that humans are top dog on this planet is turned on its head when we have aliens not only abducting people, but taking their ova and sperm to create hybrids, he posited. Even more unsettling is the notion that the hybrids are being bred to "fold into our society," he said.

Many of the abductees seem to have higher than average telepathic or psychic abilities, and the aliens may have selected them to have increased interactions with them, Carman hypothesized. For his film, he interviewed remote viewer Lyn Buchanan who said that in his RV sessions he came into contact with three different ET races. Buchanan also theorized that alien implants might be the result of instruments breaking off when abductees try to fend off the ETs during experiments.

The third hour featured two other people interviewed in the The Hidden Hand documentary. First, retired Army sergeant Clifford Stone talked about his some of his ET encounters-- some of the beings appear human-like, while others are composed of just pure energy, and some are so advanced they are actually "1-2 billion years ahead of us," he detailed. Stone revealed that he helped a "grey" alien escape and get back to his ship. Abductee Joni Strother described her traumatic encounters with the aliens, whom she views as sinister entities. Over the years, she believes she's mothered five hybrid children and during a recent abduction she was shown a hybrid camp being guarded by soldiers. There were some 500 hybrids there, and in her interactions with them, they inquired about basic skills such as personal hygiene and how to cook.

The last hour of the show featured Open Lines.

Current Events Commentary

First hour guest, author and researcher Steve Quayle offered commentary on current events. He suggested that radiation from the Fukushima power plant was causing environmental effects in the Pacific Ocean, including deformed fish, and this was being ignored in the mainstream media. He also discussed the divisive nature of the government shutdown, and the "gunning down" of an unarmed woman in Washington DC (who tried to ram her car through a White House barrier) as an example of police state tactics.

News segment guests: Christian Wilde, Gerald Celente

Bumper Music

Last Night

Imperiled Animals / Navajo Rangers
Imperiled Animals / Navajo Rangers
Aysha Akhtar spoke with George Knapp about animals as emotional companions and the ways that society mistreats them. Followed by Stanley Milford Jr., who shared how the paranormal became part of his job with the Navajo Rangers.


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