Breakaway Civilizations / Rethinking History

Hosted byGeorge Knapp

Breakaway Civilizations / Rethinking History

About the show

In the first half, George Knapp was joined by author Joseph Farrell, who detailed his research into the possibility that a secret, breakaway civilization was formed by American elites following World War II. He explained that, after the war, the United States was faced with three formidable challenges: escaped Nazis bent on recreating their empire elsewhere, the Cold War, and the UFO phenomenon. In turn, Farrell surmised, a secret system was put into place to develop defenses against these dangers facing the country. He theorized that, in order to surreptitiously fund such a massive undertaking, the United States used the vast wealth that had been plundered by Japan during WWII to bankroll various projects. Farrell suggested that, over time, similar secret infrastructures were created by other technologically advanced countries such as England, Russia, and China.

In the ensuing years since its creation, Farrell said, the American organization likely developed amazing technological capabilities far beyond what is known to the general population, hence the concept of a 'breakaway civilization,' which shares our planet but exists within a world of knowledge far different from our own. Manmade UFOs, weather control, and zero point energy may be achievements that have secretly been accomplished, but remain classified for fear of revealing technologies which could be weaponized and used against the United States. Farrell pointed to the emergence of 3D printing and the push for mining in space as potential signs of previously accomplished breakthroughs which are now slowly being introduced to the public.


In the latter half, author Brad Olsen discussed flaws in modern history and how conspiracy theories, esoteric insights, and fringe subjects can be used to help change a dead-end course for humanity. He contended that nearly every facet of human life, from science, government, and banking to farming, water treatment, and even spirituality, have been manipulated by nefarious forces to ensure control over the population. "As we awaken to truth," he observed, "we're realizing that the beneficial information in all these areas has been suppressed and revised in order to keep us enslaved." Behind this agenda, Olsen said, are wealthy families which propagate global wars and control essential resources.

"We have to take the bold steps of rethinking of who we are and what the history is on this planet," Olsen declared. To that end, he noted the Great Pyramids of Egypt as one area which encapsulates this concept of "rethinking our history." Olsen observed that the landmarks display an uncanny level of early technological sophistication, but also reveal a strange devolution in later abilities of the Egyptian culture. Similar to the seemingly spontaneous emergence of the Sumerian culture, Olsen posited that both civilizations constitute a "legacy of something previous," which remains hidden from the historical record. By opening our minds to this 'forbidden' history, Olsen mused, humanity may learn the true heritage of our world and begin to free itself from the 'powers that be' controlling the planet.

Bumper Music

Last Night

Imperiled Animals / Navajo Rangers
Imperiled Animals / Navajo Rangers
Aysha Akhtar spoke with George Knapp about animals as emotional companions and the ways that society mistreats them. Followed by Stanley Milford Jr., who shared how the paranormal became part of his job with the Navajo Rangers.


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