George's 14th Anniversary Celebration

Hosted byGeorge Noory

George's 14th Anniversary Celebration

About the show

As we celebrated George Noory's 14th anniversary of hosting Coast to Coast AM full-time since 2003, he was joined by four guests prognosticating on what 2017 has in store for us. The first hour featured psychic Joseph Jacobs, who foresees Donald Trump heading into difficulty between April 23rd and June 14th that may have to do with his health or legal matters, and subsequently Mike Pence taking on a lot of responsibilities. On July 4th, the US enters into a new 45-year cycle, and between October 16th and December 6th the country could face some difficult challenges, possibly either through Mother Nature or an attack, he said. Looking further ahead, he doesn't predict any major economic disturbance until 2018.

Prophecy scholar John Hogue joined the show in the second hour and spoke about an economic boom in 2017 with the dollar getting stronger. However, the interest rates will rise and create stress with other currencies, he noted. An eclipse in August, he cited, will have a "catalytic effect" on Trump. There'll be some significant natural disasters in the latter half of the year, and Trump may come round to accepting that climate change is real, he continued. If Trump survives the first two years, Hogue remarked, he'll likely be re-elected, as he's an echo karmically of Ronald Reagan.

In the third hour, psychic Anthony Carr suggested that we haven't seen the last of Hillary Clinton, and her legacy could be something other than running for President. He's concerned over the Trump presidency and that he could get America involved in a World War III. Carr foresees a deadly mid-air collision involving two planes near a small airport in New York state, with more than 600 lives lost. He believes the incident will be intentional.

Professional astrologer Linda Schurman closed out the evening, speaking of 2017 as a time of more upheaval. The position of Saturn indicates a difficult time for the economy with a number of ups and downs, financial crises on a global level, and a possible disintegration of the EU, she reported. The Jupiter-Saturn sextile may keep the crash from happening till the end of the year, but there could be many layoffs around then, she said. There will be serious Earth changes this year such as quakes, particularly in the period of March through May, and she expressed special concern for Japan. Schurman also sounded the alarm over the increase of cyber-terror.

Special guests, who appeared throughout the evening to wish George a Happy Anniversary, included Billy Gibbons, Micah Hanks, William Forstchen, Chase Kloetzke, Rosemary Ellen Guiley, Joshua P. Warren, Karen Dahlman, Ben Fuchs, Connie Willis, David Whitman, and Joe Meyer.

News segment guests: Douglas Hagmann, Dr. Peter Breggin

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