Differences Between Men & Women/ Food Sustainability

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Differences Between Men & Women/ Food Sustainability

About the show

In the first half, expert in communication and relationships, John Gray PhD., discussed his groundbreaking work describing the innate differences between men and women and why being a man or woman in today's society is more nuanced and complex than ever. Yet, despite the changes, he argued, men and women remain fundamentally different on a hormonal level. Gray outlined what these differences mean and how to deal with them. For instance, when a woman can talk about her emotions in the right environment, this can produce healthy amounts of estrogen, which is good for her well-being, but when she's blocked from this, it can lead to physical ailments, he suggested.

"Women are like waves" going up and down, he continued, but for a man in a relationship with a woman, "to be masculine means to be patient," to understand that if she's upset, she's not a terrible person. "Part of my book," he said, "is to retrain men to be a feeling, compassionate, emotional being but at the same time, know how to come back to your masculine side which is able to allow a woman to go through her ups and downs." When you're not getting what you want out of your relationships, he added, check to make sure you're feeling good with who you are first, rather than trying to change qualities in your partner.


In the latter half, expert in self-reliance and backyard food production, Marjory Wildcraft, talked about her work helping people to become more resilient by loosening their dependence on corporate agriculture. Commercial or chemical agriculture is made on a vast scale, and a lot of the plants have lost most of their nutrient value, she contended. Even organic foods are not what they once were, she lamented, with many of the smaller companies now bought out by large corporations who sneak by, tweaking the letter of the law in order to get the "organic" designation for their products, when they're really not that different than conventional foods.

Further, she added, the "monoculture" style of farming, growing one crop for hundreds or thousands of acres, makes that plant very susceptible to a particular pest that might arise. Yet, the pendulum is starting to swing away from centralized foods-- more people are starting to have backyard chickens, the number of farmers' markets are growing, and more are pursuing small farming as a business and a lifestyle, she reported. People can start moving toward food sustainability by planting a small garden in their yard, or even just growing some herbs in a pot in a windowsill, she advised.

News segment guests: Cal Orey, Steve Kates, Glynis McCants - related video

Featured Podcaster: Bob Dean, Podcast on iTunes

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