Mid-Term Elections & the Economy / Sensing the Future

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Mid-Term Elections & the Economy / Sensing the Future

About the show

In the first half, investment advisor Catherine Austin Fitts addressed the results of the US mid-term elections and shared her analysis of the Trump administration, and the state of the economy. While she thought the Republicans had a chance of holding onto the House, she conceded that Democrats had done a better grassroots job of "building real nuts and bolts candidates" across the country, even if their national strategy was a failure. Rather than a change agent, she viewed President Obama as consolidating the financial coup d'état, whereas President Trump has fought with a "corrupt establishment" and "I think he's learned and grown a lot." In the new environment of the Democratic-controlled House, it will be interesting to see if Trump can rise to the occasion and become more diplomatic in order to get things done, she remarked.

Looking at the relationship of the US economy to the federal budget, "we are way outside the law," she suggested, in terms of how the funds are spent. The first step is to bring transparency to how the money works, and then figure out how we can get it back into a lawful position in a way that's profitable for small business and creates employment locally, she outlined. Fitts sees a real danger in corporations continuing to get the Senate and Congress to do their bidding, as this will not take the economy to a good place. More government accountability, she added, can help combat this.


Cognitive neuroscientist and futurist Julia Mossbridge is the director of the Innovation Lab at the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS). In the latter half, she discussed revolutionary research showing that sensing the future is possible, and tools and techniques to enhance one's precognition. Precognition, she explained, entails gleaning accurate information about future events that are not predictable via sensory perceptions. It most often happens without our conscious awareness, she noted, and is more difficult to produce by conscious attempts (which is somewhat similar to remote viewing).

Precognitive dreams are the most common way people perceive future events, and these dreams often have a realistic tone that sets them apart, she cited. In 2015, Mossbridge had a vivid dream of a terrorist attack on a mosque in Kuwait City, and visually she saw the date of the event-- the next day. When the event actually took place, she came up with the idea of "Positive Precogs" (training site), a way to help or warn people when such premonitions come through. Instead of thinking of events in a linear fashion, Mossbridge conceptualizes future occurrences as already existing in a kind of room that you can walk around in.

News segment guests: John M. Curtis, Howard Bloom, Andre Eggelletion

Bumper Music

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