Sordid Hollywood & African Shamanism / Open Lines

Hosted byIan Punnett

Sordid Hollywood & African Shamanism / Open Lines

About the show

Emmy Award-winning producer and bestselling author Lionel Friedberg has spent 50 years making films and documentaries. He joined guest host Ian Punnett (Twitter) to discuss the secret sex lives of Hollywood stars, as well as the age-old rituals of African shamans. Delving into the sexual underbelly of Old Hollywood, Friedberg reported on the true story of Scotty Bowers, a US Marine turned pimp who initially ran his escort operation out of a gas station. "There was a string of cars lined up at the gas station, every art director, every hair dresser, every costume designer," he revealed, noting famous actors such as Cary Grant, Walter Pidgeon, Randolph Scott, Katharine Hepburn, and Spencer Tracy were also among Bowers' clientele.

Friedberg spoke about growing up in Apartheid South Africa and learning about the practices of a local medicine woman. "Seeing those bones lying on that grass mat... and seeing all these weird herbs and whatever else on these shelves, it piqued my curiosity," he recalled. The woman explained to him how the ritualistic items allowed her to speak with her ancestors in order to heal illness and see into the future. Friedberg also recounted his visit to a shaman in Zambia, who threw bones and told him his future. "It was the most extraordinary experience of my life... every single thing she told [me] has come true," he said.


Open Lines followed in the latter half of the program. Jeff in Juneau, Alaska, phoned in to chat with Ian about Coast guest and horror host Mr. Lobo and the 1971 genre film Willard, which follows a social misfit with a unique connection to rats. "I think, Willard, if I were little kid, that would scare the hell out of me," Ian told Jeff. The film provided a springboard for Ian to describe an episode of Hoarders he recently watched featuring a real-life Willard who allowed thousands of free-roaming rats to take over his house.

Carl from Boston discussed interdimensional travel and the holographic universe. According to Carl, microwave mapping of the universe has shown other universes with other Earths exist."I believe I've seen [holographic beings]; they wear shades covering their eyes... they led me to a portal site to another dimension," he revealed. Daniel from Wichita, Kansas, talked about positive changes to his life after his television broke. Though he misses MeTV's Svengoolie, Daniel revealed the lack of televised images, along with a newfound appreciation for the small things as well as a pet kitten, has altered his depression. "It has really picked my mood up," he said.

News segment guest: Tim Binnall

Bumper Music

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