Numerology in 2021 / Devils Den UFO Encounter

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Numerology in 2021 / Devils Den UFO Encounter

About the show

In the first half, numerologist Glynis McCants spoke about how the new energy of 2021 will play out in the coming months and what it means to the world and our lives. Our new "5" year (2+0+2+1 = 5) has a different vibe than 2020's "4" year, she reported. "5" is about movement, and she is optimistic that society will start to return to its pre-pandemic activity level later in the year, and people will have a new sense of energy. The positive side of a person with a "5" lifepath is a celebratory quality and an appreciation of beauty, she continued. However, the shadow side of "5" is chaos, as exemplified by what we saw with the attack on the Capitol on January 6th.

Looking at the political landscape, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris were both born on the 20th day of a month, and share certain personality similarities, she said. The Inauguration, falling on the 20th day of this month, bodes well for Biden, she added. Further, his double "2" energy plays well into the role of peacemaker and negotiating across the aisle. McCants did express concern over January 17th, a date cited for possible protests to occur. It's an "8" day that could be especially conflict-ridden, she explained. She named April 2021 as a particularly powerful month, as each day's energy will repeat itself, creating a good feeling. Glynis (whose office number is 1-877-686-2373) gave readings to callers based on their birth dates during the last hour. She is teaching an online numerology workshop on January 30th titled "How to Get the Most Out of the New Year 2021!" and those who sign up by the 15th will get a free PDF copy of the 2021 Numerology Calendar.


In the latter half, retired lawyer Terry Lovelace recalled his 1977 alien abduction experience while camping at Devils Den State Park in Arkansas. He detailed what happened after being struck by a beacon of light from a triangular UFO that flew overhead in the night sky (related images). Inside the craft, it was blindingly lit and space seemed to stretch out to the size of a football field. He and his camping partner found themselves naked and paralyzed in a medical setting, he said, and in the presence of several different types of alien beings. There were the shorter 'Greys,' who may be manufactured entities lacking the full sentience of humans, a 7 ft. tall 'Praying Mantis' being with multifaceted eyes, and a more humanoid figure with pinkish-gray skin, who disturbingly seemed to download his thoughts and memories.

In 2012, Lovelace had X-rays done on his leg, and unexplained objects were discovered. Tom DeLonge and others from To the Stars Academy recently expressed interest in the possible removal of the implants to study them, he revealed. For more on his 1977 abduction, view these previous recaps: 11/9/18 and 12/22/19. Lovelace shared some of the stories he's collected of odd events that could represent alien abduction experiences covered by screen memories. A Nevada woman detailed seeing a strange Christmas store that had no parking lot while driving in the desert, followed by missing time; and a nurse anesthetist had memories of boarding an out-of-place circus carousel that was possibly an alien craft. He also recounted anomalous missing person cases, some in the Devils Den area.

News segment guests: John M. Curtis, Charles Coppes

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