Alternative Health / 'Dark Fleet' & Antarctica

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Alternative Health / 'Dark Fleet' & Antarctica

About the show

In the first half, pharmacist, nutritionist, and cosmetic chemist Ben Fuchs shared alternative health concepts, offering tips on supplements and healthy changes to one's diet and lifestyle. Among the specific topics Fuchs covered were the value of essential fatty acids and the importance of reducing stress through proper nutrition. He also speculated on what may lie ahead in the health sciences in the coming decades, which he said will involve many developments in genetics.

Throughout the first and second hours, Fuchs fielded questions from listeners. For many of the conditions described by callers, including allergies, insomnia, and broken bones, he recommended nutritional supplements. For treating other health issues, he emphasized the positive role other approaches can play. A deep breathing technique, for example, could help with panic attacks, he suggested. Likewise, lifting weights strengthens the body and increases metabolism, and simply drinking plenty of water can lower high blood sugar, which contributes to many health problems. Fuchs also concurred with recent reports indicating that with moderate intensity, even minimal daily exercise can result in improved health and fitness.


Dr. Michael Salla, a pioneer in the study of exopolitics (government policy concerning extraterrestrial phenomena), joined the show in the second half. Salla related the story of his interest in secret space programs, which have been the subject of several of his books. He first discovered reports of such programs in the early 2000s, he recalled; by 2015, many more people, including military personnel in a number of nations, had come forward with information confirming their existence and scope. Preceding the United States' own secret programs, Salla went on, were those of the Nazi regime, which were moved from Germany to Antarctica. The most infamous of the German programs was the Dark Fleet, he explained, which was reported to have launched a flyover operation in Washington, D.C. in 1952. In exchange for allowing the Dark Fleet to operate without objection by the United States, Germany provided the knowledge needed to develop the American Apollo space program, Salla revealed. Since then, according to his sources, the Germans have abandoned the Dark Fleet program, turning it over to China and Turkey.

Central to these accounts, Salla claimed, is the involvement of extraterrestrial beings; the Nazis in Antarctica, for instance, were aided and advised by a reptilian species of ETs. Furthermore, alien alliances—some friendly, some hostile—continue to have considerable influence over political affairs on Earth, he said. The role of aliens in modern history is well-known at the highest levels of many countries' governments, he noted, including those of the United States. More recently, President Trump wanted to disclose his administration's work with the galactic federation, but was kept from doing so by American security officials, Salla elaborated.

News segment guests: Chuck Coppes, John M. Curtis

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