2024 in Numerology / Solar Cycles & Civil Unrest

Hosted byGeorge Noory

2024 in Numerology / Solar Cycles & Civil Unrest

About the show

In the first half, numerologist Glynis McCants (ph. 877-686-2373) joined George to discuss the World Energy of the year 2024, an 8 year, as well as how world events are unfolding and why it’s not too late to seize opportunities to create personal wealth or find love. McCants, an expert in how patterns of events unfold exactly according to the energy signature of specific numbers, explained the origins of the discipline she follows, noting that it originated with Pythagoras, is more than 2,500 years old, and is based on "the belief... that everything in this universe has vibration," and that through numerology you can understand those vibrations and how they interact with people and events. For instance, she said, in the case of love and relationships, numerology can help a person determine "who is compatible to you and who is a challenge."

She also explained how energy can be changed with numerology by changing numbers. All numbers can be reduced to 1 through 9, and are determined by adding together each series of numbers until you get to the root number. So, for instance, 640 would be 6+4+0 which equals 10. Then 10 would be 1+0. The number 640, then, would be a "1" number. So, McCants explained, if you want to be left alone, having your address as a "1" number is fine. If you don't want to be alone, though, you can change it, she said. You can do that, she claimed, by adding a number to gain the vibration you are seeking, and then writing or inscribing that number somewhere out of sight inside your doorframe. According to McCants, this will change the energy of your home without having to change your physical address. Be careful what you change it to, though. The numbers expert said while a "5" house will always be interesting, there are dangers of addiction associated with that number, while a "6" home is good for family and stability. McCants also touched on the numbers associated with world leaders and politicians, including Joe Biden, Donald Trump, Robert Kennedy Jr., and Vladimir Putin, and what that predicted for them in the coming year before taking calls and giving readings based on the numbers associated with birthdates. For more, check out Glynis' online workshop on Saturday, April 6th on using affirmations and numerology for healing.


Journalist and researcher Alex Ansary has covered diverse subjects including the supernatural influence over human affairs, geopolitics, and World War 3, the Sun's effect on human consciousness, spiritual transformations, and other ideas regarding what we are really doing here on Earth. In the second half, he explained the impact of solar cycle 25 and how increased sunspots and geomagnetic storms correlate with more wars, conflicts, invasions, protests, and all-around civil unrest (view related material). Ansary began by noting how Galileo was one of the first to study solar cycles in the Western world but that the Chinese have been keeping records of sunspot counts for much longer. According to Ansary, the Russian researcher Alexander Chizhevsky used these records in the early 20th century to develop his theories of "heliobiology" or the study of the Sun's effect on biology, and was one of the first (at least in modern times), "to start looking at the Sun and the wars that were taking place when the Sun was active at that time."

Ansary related recent unrest and instability in Haiti to the impact of the sun's electromagnetic energy on raising "tensions," and predicted even more strife as the year progresses. "As the sun becomes more active this year, in 2024, as we head towards the peak, I expect that we're going to see more geopolitical tensions," he said. He also claimed there was scientific evidence linking more homicides, suicides, and increases in mental illness-related problems with changes in the sun. He suggested some research indicated that increased exposure to sunlight could affect circadian rhythms and hormone production and that the use of "mass meditations to quiet the sun" could be beneficial in some instances.


George closed the show with an interview from the archives, featuring Barbara Lamb from June 28, 2021.

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