Messages from Cosmic Masters

Hosted byConnie Willis

Messages from Cosmic Masters

About the show

Paul Nugent, director of The Aetherius Society, joined guest host Connie Willis (info) for the entire program to discuss his journey of spiritual awakening and the work of Dr. George King, who channeled messages from cosmic beings through yogic trances. He recounted working in the wine trade under Nicolas Belfrage, whose interest in Eastern philosophy introduced him to the concepts of karma and reincarnation. This spurred a broader search for meaning beyond conventional life paths. The journey ultimately led Nugent to The Aetherius Society, founded by Dr. King, a man believed to have been in contact with higher intelligence from Venus and other planets.

King's profound spiritual abilities, developed through rigorous yogic practice, allowed him to channel messages from Cosmic Masters that formed the basis of the society's teachings, Nugent explained. These communications, first introduced in public forums like London's Caxton Hall and televised interviews, conveyed timeless truths about love, consciousness, and humanity’s interconnectedness with the cosmos. Nugent noted the extraordinary challenges faced by King, especially during the Cold War era when skepticism and government suspicion loomed. Despite this, the inherent profundity of his teachings helped establish The Aetherius Society, which continues to share these cosmic messages globally, he said.

According to Nugent, the teachings channeled through King align with those of great spiritual figures like Jesus, Buddha, and Krishna, focusing on love, service, and enlightenment. He emphasized that these messages aim to awaken humanity to a greater cosmic reality, urging people to transcend materialism and recognize their spiritual essence. The journey involves raising consciousness, serving others, and understanding Earth as a living, evolving entity, he continued. Nugent highlighted the pivotal time humanity faces, with technological advancements like AI juxtaposed against the spiritual awakening needed to navigate such changes.

Nugent also spoke about his connection with King and The Aetherius Society. He recalled being deeply moved by King's cosmic transmissions and the spiritual truths they revealed, which inspired him to dedicate his life to the society. Nugent described the ongoing evolution of humanity and Earth as part of a divine cosmic plan, underscoring the urgency of spiritual awakening in an era of accelerating change. He advocated for humanity to rediscover its divine potential, embrace love and service, and align with the cosmic forces guiding our collective journey toward enlightenment.

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