Fiona Horne

Fiona Horne


Fiona Horne is known in the USA, UK and Australia as a leading expert on Modern Witchcraft. She is an accomplished television/radio host, best selling author, and one of the world's most recognizable authors on White Witchcraft. Fiona teaches us that Witchcraft has many different paths. Fiona knows that her nature-based spiritual craft helps her stay grounded.




Past Shows:

  • Grassroots Activism/ Modern Witchcraft

    Ralph Nader discussed activism and democratic change. Followed by Fiona Horne on modern witchcraft and her humanitarian projects.More »
  • Alternative Health & Healing

    Authority on public health and consumer protection, Dr. Len Horowitz touched on a variety of topics including the dangers of vaccines, methods of natural healing, and how a spiritual renaissance is changing medicine. He also discussed the "Illuminati" plan to reduce the world...More »
  • 2010 Prophecies & Nostradamus

    Prophecy expert John Hogue shared his own predictions for the rest of 2010, as well as material about the great seer Nostradamus. First hour guest, witchcraft expert Fiona Horne discussed spells and meditations she uses in her daily practice.More »
  • Secret Door VIII

    Three surprise guests made their way through the "Secret Door" to talk with George Noory: R. Gary Patterson who touched on a number of mysteries in the rock 'n' roll world, practicing witch Fiona Horne, and Dr. Roger Leir, who shared an update on his work with alien...More »
  • Witchcraft: Practice, History & Spells

    Christian Day and Fiona Horne discussed the practice of witchcraft, and how it can be used to help and inspire others. Horne pointed out that the religion of Wicca is a part of witchcraft but not synonymous with it. Witchcraft is a broader concept than religion-- it's the...More »
  • Inside Wicca

    Practicing witch Fiona Horne was the guest for the middle two hours of Monday's show. Dispelling myths about Wicca, Horne said that she used the earth-based practice to help and heal, rather than to harm. She views Wicca as a "spiritual path rather than a religion," which has...More »

Last Night

Naturopathic Medicine / Astrology of 2025
Naturopathic Medicine / Astrology of 2025
Teacher Dr. Lynn Lafferty discussed naturopathic medicine, healthcare, and supplements. Followed by astrologer Constance Stellas with insights about astrology, including its use as a guidance tool.


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