Wayne Pacelle

Wayne Pacelle


Before joining the Animal Wellness groups, Wayne Pacelle was the president and CEO of The Humane Society of the United States, tripling the budget and net assets of the organization. He founded the Humane Society Legislative Fund and prior to that, he was executive director of The Fund for Animals. The Non-Profit Times named him seven times as one of the nation’s top 50 non-profit executives, and in 2005, he was named executive of the year. He wrote two New York Times bestselling books: The Bond: Our Kinship with Animals and Our Call to Defend Them and The Humane Economy: How Innovators and Enlightened Consumers Are Transforming the Lives of Animals. Wayne has led efforts to pass 1,500 state laws for animals, more than 100 federal laws and amendments, 30 ballot initiatives, and 500 corporate agreements. He is a graduate of Yale University.



Past Shows:

  • Animal Welfare / Vanishing Stars

    Animal welfare advocate Wayne Pacelle addressed the effect on animals in the LA fires, and other animal welfare issues. Followed by astronomer Beatriz Villarroel on her research into vanishing stars, which may correspond with UFOs.More »
  • Animal Welfare / Technology Run Amok

    Animal welfare advocate Wayne Pacelle discussed his fight for animals, and a sting operation in the horse slaughter industry. Followed by author Nick Redfern on whether robots and AI will enhance or destroy our future.More »
  • Animal Welfare / Near-Death Experiences

    Wayne Pacelle discussed his continued fight for animal welfare, outlining the plight of such creatures as kangaroos, wild horses, chickens, minks, and bison. Followed by Dannion Brinkley and his writing partner Paul Perry on NDEs and the dying process.More »
  • Animal Welfare & Coronavirus / Pandemics

    Wayne Pacelle reported on animal welfare issues in the age of the coronavirus. Bryan Walsh discussed pandemics and what we can learn from the coronavirus pandemic.More »
  • Chernobyl Disaster/ Animal Cruelty

    Adam Higginbotham discussed various aspects of the Chernobyl disaster. Followed by Wayne Pacelle on animal welfare issues.More »
  • Animal Welfare Show

    In the first half, Wayne Pacelle of the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) joined George Knapp for his annual animal welfare program to discuss his latest book, The Humane Economy. During hour three, Maria Kalinina of Humane Society International talked about...More »
  • Animal Welfare

    Wayne Pacelle, CEO and president of The Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) joined host George Knapp in the first hour to kick off a program on various animal welfare issues. In the second hour, Kitty Block, vice president of Humane Society International, and Adam...More »
  • Animal Activism

    George Knapp was joined by Wayne Pacelle, president of the Humane Society of the US, along with undercover investigator Cody Carlson and public policy manager Matthew Dominguez, for a discussion on how animal activists have infiltrated big agricultural operations and exposed the...More »
  • Whale/Dolphin Captivity

    Marine mammal activists Wayne Pacelle, Mark Palmer, Ric O’Barry and Samantha Berg joined George Knapp for a discussion on the new film Blackfish, which exposes what goes on behind the scenes at Sea World, whale/dolphin captivity and marine welfare.More »
  • The Key

    Author Whitley Strieber joined George Knapp to discuss the events in his classic book The Key, and what happened when a strange man showed up unannounced and imparted extraordinary lessons to him in 1998. First-hour guest, Wayne Pacelle, president of the Humane Society of the...More »

Last Night

Financial Cycles / Remote Viewing Operations
Financial Cycles / Remote Viewing Operations
Consultant Harry Dent discussed the economic landscape and why he believes we're headed for a crash. Followed by remote viewer and trainer Lyn Buchanan on remote viewing operations.


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