Olav Phillips

Olav Phillips


Olav Phillips is founder of the Anomalies Network, the largest UFO and paranormal information source on the Internet. With 24 years of experience in UFO research and study, Olav's self-proclaimed passion is serving as archivist for the UFO and paranormal community. With a database of 142,000 recorded sightings, his area of specialization is the application of the latest technology to the field of ufology. Phillips uses technology to derive new sets of information, compile and analyze data in new ways, and develop new theories.

He also focuses on the use of technology for information-sharing, having launched the UFOcrawler, a new search tool that helps users precisely target and gather information from relevant sources, including thousands of documents and files collected in the vast Anomalies Network archive, as well as multiple global resources across the Web.


Past Shows:

  • Prophecy & Nostradamus / The Black Lodge

    John Hogue returned to update his prophecy alarm and discuss Nostradamus. Followed by researchers Olav Phillips and Alan Greenfield on the dark occult group they call the Black Lodge.More »
  • Ventura Update / Secret Space Program

    In the first half, former wrestler, actor, governor, and bestselling author, Jesse Ventura, talked about his recent lawsuit, and stories in the news such as the declassification of 9-11 documents, the Ebola virus, and America's return to military engagement in Iraq. ...More »
  • Anomalies, Trace Cases, & Time Travelers

    Olav Phillips, the founder of Anomalies.net discussed how he is developing technology, such as the new search engine UFO Crawler to explore and quantify information about UFOs and the unexplained.More »

Last Night

Self-Love & Relationships / Differences Between Men and Women
Self-Love & Relationships / Differences Between Men and Women
Transformational leader Shenal Arimilli discussed the importance of self-love and its impact on relationships. Followed by communication and relationship expert Dr. John Gray who delved into the biological and psychological differences between men and women.


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