Hugh Simpson

Hugh Simpson


Hugh Simpson, aka M.R. Valentine, has spent decades teaching situational awareness, preparedness, and survival worldwide. Previously, he was an investigative reporter covering civil rights in the late 60s, as well as that era's drug scene and consumerism. After leaving news, he returned to Florida State University to finish a degree in sociology and then went on to get a masters degree in advertising and public relations at the University of Illinois. He opened a PR consulting firm, with his first client being the original Marlboro Man. Later clients included several Guinness record holders, an award-winning kitchen designer, a Nobel Prize-nominated author, and an ultra-marathon runner.

He also became a International Sports Science Association-certified personal fitness trainer at 50, and hosted an award-winning TV show on holistic health and fitness for three years. His first book "A Family Survival Manual for Y2K & Beyond" led to him being featured on CNN, Fox News, and other networks. He has tested products for numerous preparedness and survival companies, including Lodge, CleanWaste, Moeller Technology, Zaps Gear, Smith Products, Sawyer, and Survivor Industries. His latest venture is consulting, designing, and creating his XP Eco Domes.



Past Shows:

  • Power Grid & EMP / The Creator Matrix

    Author Hugh Simpson and EMP expert Rich de Sabatino outlined possible scenarios that could take out the power grid, and how we can protect ourselves. Followed by health coach Cathleen Beerkens on developing your own 'creator matrix.'More »
  • Humanity’s Future / Preparing for a Solar Minimum

    Psychic medium Pam Oslie discussed her ability to traverse into parallel universes, and where she believes humanity is headed in the future. Followed by author Hugh Simpson on the effects a grand solar minimum will have on our planet.More »
  • Professor of the Paranormal / Preparing for Catastrophe

    David Delgado Shorter discussed his study of the paranormal and his popular UCLA course "Aliens, Psychics, and Ghosts." Followed by Hugh Simpson on the various forms of catastrophic breakdown facing the United States today.More »
  • Reexamining Technology / Preparing for a Solar Minimum

    Matt Richtel discussed tech dependency and his novel satirizing Silicon Valley. Followed by Hugh Simpson on making preparations for a coming mini Ice Age.More »
  • Preparedness Strategies/ Health & Spirituality

    Hugh Simpson discussed self-preparedness strategies. Followed by Elson M. Haas, MD with tips to achieve health.More »
  • Infrastructure Breakdown/ Wicca Rituals

    Hugh Simpson addressed our vulnerability to a breakdown of infrastructure. Followed by Ivo Dominguez, Jr. on pagan traditions and rituals.More »
  • Preparedness & Disasters

    Former CBS TV and Newsweek reporter, Hugh Simpson, discussed the need for preparedness in both economic and natural disasters. Getting prepared can be a fun project rather than doom and gloom, he stressed. First hour guest, writer Stephen Sindoni talked about the legend of...More »

Last Night

Mass Extinction / Living in 5D
Mass Extinction / Living in 5D
Scientist and species explorer Quentin Wheeler shared insights into the state of biodiversity and a possible mass extinction. Followed by teacher Maureen St. Germain on how we can live in the 5th Dimension.


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