Robert Trombley

Robert Trombley


Robert "R.B." Trombley, Ph.D., is the founder and Principal ResearchVolcanologist of SWVRC and is a registered volcanologist with theInternational Association of Volcanology & Chemistry of the Earth's Interior(IAVCEI). He is an award winning scientist and has traveled all over theworld working on volcanoes. Dr. Trombley is also affiliated with many othervolcanology associations. He is the principal designer of the highlysuccessful software program "ERUPTION" Pro 10.5 which provides long-rangeforecasts of volcanic eruptions all over the world.

"R. B." has written, andhad accepted, a paper for the American Geophysical Union (AGU), as well asseveral other papers, authored the book "Island Born of Fire: Piton de laFournaise" and has also written several articles involving volcanology forvarious volcano related publications. Dr. Trombley has also served as one ofthe Technical Advisors to the National Geographic Society on a TVdocumentary about volcanoes. He has been elected to "Who's Who" twice in hiscareer. Dr. Trombley is a Professor Emeritus at the Phoenix, Arizona campusof the DeVRY University. Dr. Trombley received his BSEE from the LawrenceInstitute of Technology, his Law degree from LaSalle University and hisPh.D. from Dallas State College and completed post-doctorate work at UCLAand the University of New Mexico in geology & physics.


Past Shows:

  • Earth Changes Special

    A group of experts discussed earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and climate change, and shared their predictions as to what we might expect in 2008 and beyond. First,geologist Jim Berkland and author/earthquake 'sensitive' Cal Orey spoke about quakes and weather cycles. Berkland...More »
  • Chemicals: Dangers & Deceptions

    Investigative reporter Randall Fitzgerald believes that the interaction of synthetic chemicals is wreaking havoc on human health and weakening people's immune systems.More »
  • Crop Circles & Resonant Viewing

    Director of the Institute for Resonance, Dr. Simeon Hein, shared his theories and scientific analyses of crop circles, as well as information about resonant viewing.More »
  • Alternative Health

    Consumer health advocate Dr. Leonard Horowitz returned to discuss problems in the health field, as well as dramatic new treatment products. A "global elite," he believes, is working towards reducing the population by using "non lethal warfare," that kills people slowly.More »
  • Holy Grail & Da Vinci Code

    Investigative mythologist William Henry & historian Laurence Gardner joined in a discussion about Holy Grail mysteries and how they relate to theories in the Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown. As in that book, both Gardner and Henry contend that Jesus married Mary Magdalene and had...More »
  • Tsunami Special

    In this special program three different guests weighed in on the disaster that occurred after the Sumatra quake.In the first hour volcanologist R.B. Trombley of SWVRC discussed the underpinnings of earthquakes and tsunamis. In Hour 2, author Steve Quayle noted that Stan Deyo had...More »
  • Mysteries of Consciousness

    Marilyn Schlitz, Ph.D., of the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS) talked about alternative and conventional medicine, as well as extended human abilities like distant healing. Schlitz thinks "there are some really fundamental challenges that face standard [conventional]...More »
  • Bed Bugs

    Inspired by the recent liberation of "the cricket," George opened a special hotline devoted to people with strange insect stories. A caller from Texas described seeing a tarantula on her bathroom floor. She initially thought the spider was one of her cat's rubber toys... until...More »
  • The Spirit World

    An expert in spiritualism and hypnosis, Adrienne Felice shared her research into the spirit world. "The physical world is a prototype of the spirit world," which existed before the physical realm, she detailed. "It is where we come from," and contains an astral world followed by...More »
  • Bad Medicine

    During Friday night's Open Lines, George prescribed a "Medical Misfits" hotline for people with stories about healthcare gone bad. During the first two hours, volcanologist Robert "R.B." Trombley, Ph.D., discussed volcanic activity around the world and his ERUPTION Pro 10.5...More »

Last Night

Imperiled Animals / Navajo Rangers
Imperiled Animals / Navajo Rangers
Aysha Akhtar spoke with George Knapp about animals as emotional companions and the ways that society mistreats them. Followed by Stanley Milford Jr., who shared how the paranormal became part of his job with the Navajo Rangers.


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