Alternative Health

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Alternative Health


  • Global Agenda
  • Steps Towards Health
  • New Products
  • About the show

    Consumer health advocate Dr. Leonard Horowitz returned to discuss problems in the health field, as well as dramatic new treatment products. A "global elite," he believes, is working towards reducing the population by using "non lethal warfare," that kills people slowly. By enchaining huge numbers of sick people into "long term pharmaceutical slavery," they can profit off a population that is gradually being weaned down, he explained.

    But Horowitz said there are five practical steps that people can do to protect or regain their health. The first is to detoxify, and one of the best ways to do this is through fasting, he said, adding that the Stanley Burroughs method (The Master Cleanser) is one that he recommends. The other steps include deacidification, boosting immunity, oxygenation, and bioenergetic therapies.

    He also expressed excitement over a variety of new products and technologies that can enhance health. These include an ointment called Tetrasil that he said "electrocutes pathogens," the nutritional product Ambrotose which promotes cellular health, and 3E, a technology he developed to energize water. Horowitz also singled out Lifewave patches that use nanotechnology to increase endurance and Xooma, a product that alkalinizes water. Many of these items are available at the Healthy World Store.

    Volcanic Update

    Volcanologist R.B. Trombley appeared during the first half-hour to present an update on volcanic activity. The recent small quakes at Mt. St. Helens were not significant, but the Indonesia area continues to be active, with 11 volcanic eruptions so far this year, he reported.

    Bumper Music

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