Tsunami Special

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Tsunami Special


  • Trombley: Tsunami & Quakes
  • Quayle: Earth Changes
  • Wilde: Visions & Entities
  • About the show

    In this special program three different guests weighed in on the disaster that occurred after the Sumatra quake.In the first hour volcanologist R.B. Trombley of SWVRC discussed the underpinnings of earthquakes and tsunamis. "The Earth is a living, dynamic planet," and as such it is a natural phenomenon for tectonic plates to move. The Sumatra quake was set off when the 620 mile boundary of the Euro-Asian plate shifted, he said.

    In Hour 2, author Steve Quayle noted that Stan Deyo had correctly foreseen the possibility of a quake near Indonesia and had posted diagrams related to it. Deyo reportedly said he had never seen such pressure building up on the plates, and there could yet be a domino effect where more large quakes occur in other areas, such as America's West Coast. Quayle also pointed out that two Indian scholars had also predicted the Indonesian quake, though at a lesser magnitude.

    Author Stuart Wilde shared visions of disaster in the third hour. His November premonition of a tsunami in Seattle didn't pan out, and he speculated that he may have been fed false information from a spirit source in the "mirror world" that he contacts. Among his new visions are a major earthquake in Japan, a tsunami off Spain, and the failure of GPS navigation satellites. In the last hour callers shared their own premonitions and visions related to earth changes.

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