Messages from a Medium

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Messages from a Medium

About the show

Hans King an internationally acclaimed direct voice medium, was George's main guest on Monday night. As a boy, King was first visited by a Native American spirit guide who helped him to become aware of his spiritual gifts. King has maintained his contact with this guide throughout his life, as well as adding three other "master spirits," all of whom once lived on the earthly plane but now voice answers to him from the Other Side.

King consulted his guides for a Q & A session about our future. Among their revelations:

  • There will be a nuclear incident in the U.S. within the next three years and 75,000 to 125,000 people will die.
  • There was never an intention to capture Saddam Hussein.
  • 70,000 to 80,000 years from now mankind will be destroyed by an asteroid.
  • 26 million inhabitants fled from Mars when their planet's core died. Some came to Earth.
  • Sasquatch is not real. "There are anomalies in vibrationary patterns that can create visions."

The spirit world, King said, "is where we come from." Our lives here on the physical plane are only a facet of a greater existence in the spiritual dimension, he explained.

Atlantis TV Controversy

Entertainment Producer and novelist Thomas Greanias appeared in the first hour of Monday's program to discuss his Atlantis TV project. His crew's TV footage, shot in Antarctica, and portraying the fictional finding of ancient ruins (based on Greanias' book Raising Atlantis) has become the subject of controversy.

First the crew and tape were said to be missing (now found) and now comes the assertion that there is a genuine anomaly at Lake Vostok in Antarctica. It's "an instance of life imitating art," Greanias commented, adding that the anomaly was said to be associated with the National Science Foundation's construction of an underground base there.

Bumper Music

Last Night

Alien Disclosure / Astrology Insights
Alien Disclosure / Astrology Insights
Psychiatrist Carole Lieberman discussed the impact of UFO disclosure and how people would react to the proof of alien existence. Followed by astrologer Mercedes Arnús Arraut on the connections between astrology, personal growth, and spirituality.


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