Regression Therapy

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Regression Therapy


  • Alien Worlds
  • Regression Cases
  • Reintegrating Energy
  • About the show

    Clinical psychologist Dr. Erik Fisher discussed his work with regression therapy, which he uses with about 30% of his clients. Getting in touch with past life memories can be useful in reintegrating "fragmented energy," and moving towards oneness, he explained. Regression has also been employed to help people overcome emotional sticking points, that can block their growth, he added.

    Fisher said he begins regressions using a "white light technique" where clients visualize themselves in a safe and confident space that incorporates everything that they've been looking for outside themselves. From there, he said "purposeful" spontaneous memories emerge, without him prompting them to go back to a specific time period. In some instances, he might suggest that a client bring back the negative emotions they encounter, into the "white light" of the present, in order to be dealt with.

    Sharing some of his case studies, Fisher noted that some of his clients believe they knew him in one of their past lives.In fact, two different patients referred to a past life of Fisher's where he was a shaman in South America in the 1300's, though they related to him at slightly different time frames. Later, callers phoned in sharing memories of their possible past lives, to which Fisher provided commentary and analysis.

    Alien Worlds

    First hour guests Seth Shostak and Laurance Doyle, both of SETI, discussed the hypothetical alien worlds that are presented in the upcoming National Geographic special, Extraterrestrial. For instance, on the planet "Aurelia," fields of "stinger fans"--animals that look like tall plants might turn towards the light of the red dwarf in the sky. What Shostak particularly liked about the program, was that it imagined aliens as they really might be, rather than how they are more typically depicted. More Info/Seth's Blog.

    Bumper Music

    Last Night

    Self-Love & Relationships / Differences Between Men and Women
    Self-Love & Relationships / Differences Between Men and Women
    Transformational leader Shenal Arimilli discussed the importance of self-love and its impact on relationships. Followed by communication and relationship expert Dr. John Gray who delved into the biological and psychological differences between men and women.


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