Divination of God

Hosted byIan Punnett

Divination of God


  • Priestly Breastplate Device
  • Joseph Smith & Tarot Cards
  • Urim, Thummim & Goldschlager
  • About the show

    Author and energy healing expert Dr. Shelley Kaehr discussed her newest book, Divination of God, in which she details a virtually unknown tool of divination that some believe allowed the high priests of ancient Israel to communicate with God.

    Citing Exodus 28, Kaehr explained that two stones-- urim and thummim -- were placed behind the breastplate of the high priest. According to Kaehr, the priest would reach behind the breastplate and pull out one of the stones, which may have been illuminated, in order to get a clear 'yes' or 'no' answer from the Creator. She noted that onyx pieces placed on the high priest's shoulders may have also been used as a kind of divine oracle.

    Kaehr said there are only a handful of references in the Bible about this device being used by high priests. She also pointed out that Mormon tradition holds that its founder, Joseph Smith, used urim and thummim to translate the Book of Mormon from the golden tablets shown to him by the angel Moroni.

    Ian reserved the last hour of Saturday night's program for an Open Lines discussion of an article in which former Canadian Minister of Defense Paul Hellyer warns that we may be on the verge of intergalactic war.

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    Last Night

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    Alien Disclosure / Astrology Insights
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