Shelley Kaehr

Shelley Kaehr


For over two decades, Shelley A. Kaehr, PhD (Dallas, TX) has worked with thousands of people around the world helping them achieve greater peace and happiness in their lives. A renowned past life regressionist and one of the world’s leading authorities on energy healing and mind-body medicine, her award-winning books have been translated into multiple languages around the world. Shelley believes we all have the power to rewrite our stories and create the life of our dreams.



Past Shows:

  • Mineral Medicine / Healing Ancestral Energy

    US kickboxing champion and trainer Pat Miletich discussed how soil and minerals can benefit one's health and food. Followed by author Dr. Shelley Kaehr on healing with ancestral energy.More »
  • An Astronaut's Journey / Goddess Energy & Past Lives

    Former NASA astronaut Mike Massimino discussed his various space missions and life lessons. Followed by author Dr. Shelley Kaehr on goddess energy and past life therapy.More »
  • The Mind of Ted Bundy / Past Life Healing

    Author Stephen G. Michaud discussed his interest in true crime, and his interviews with Ted Bundy. Followed by authority on energy healing Dr. Shelley Kaehr on past life regressions.More »
  • Astrological Predictions / Past Lives in Ancient Lands

    William Stickevers shared an astrological forecast, and talked about how the solar eclipse on October 25th will be a harbinger of surprise developments. Followed by author Dr. Shelley Kaehr on ancient past lives.More »
  • UFO & ET Secrecy / Exploring the Akashic Records

    Founder of the Disclosure Project Dr. Steven Greer discussed his latest work on UFO/ET issues, and the cover-up of clean energy alternatives. Followed by authority on energy healing, Dr. Shelley Kaehr, on her exploration of the Akashic Records.More »
  • Threats to the Power Grid / Past Lives Therapy

    Researcher and veteran Michael Mabee discussed protecting the US power grid from breakdown, hacking, EMP, and more. Followed by Dr. Shelley Kaehr, energy healing and mind-body medicine authority, on spontaneous past life recall.More »
  • Tyrants & Terrorists / Regression Sessions

    TV producer and author Gary Grossman and former Marriott managing director Ed Fuller talked about terrorism, dictators, and more. Followed by Shelley Kaehr, Ph.D. on regression therapy for healing departed family members.More »
  • Forensic Cases / Egyptian Energy Healing

    Forensic pathologist Dr. Cyril Wecht discussed some of the high-profile cases he's worked on. Followed by Shelley A. Kaehr, Ph.D. on Edgar Cayce, past lives, and Egyptian energy healing.More »
  • Coronavirus Controversies / Healing Techniques

    Dr. Simone Gold spoke out about coronavirus and the use of hydroxychloroquine as a treatment. Followed by Dr. Shelley Kaehr on cutting edge healing methods.More »
  • Music Legends & Management / Past Lives of Pets

    Howard Bloom talked about his work with music legends as a rock 'n' roll publicist. Followed by Dr. Shelley Kaehr on the past lives of animals.More »
  • Spontaneous Healing / Past Life Therapy

    Jeffrey Rediger, M.D., discussed his studies of spontaneous healing.Dr. Shelley Kaehr spoke on past life therapy and the work of psychic Edgar Cayce.More »
  • Killshot & Remote Viewing / Cayce, Healing, & Past Lives

    Ed Dames shared remote viewing updates on on the Killshot and Project Starman. Followed Shelley Kaehr on healing techniques and the Cayce material.More »
  • Curses & Open Lines

    In the first half of the show, author Shelley Kaehr discussed her latest work on curses and hexes, as well as shared personal stories she uncovered during her research. Open Lines followed.More »
  • 'Friday the 13th' Open Lines

    In the first hour, Shelley Kaehr talked about the healing power of gems and minerals. During Open Lines, Tim in Jacksonville, Florida shared details from his 1995 UFO sighting, George spoke with actor Doug Hutchison, and callers phoned in to sing Happy Birthday to Coast...More »
  • Gem Healing

    Author and lecturer Dr. Shelley Kaehr returned for a discussion on gem healing, and her studies of Edgar Cayce, who championed the healing properties of stones during his trance sessions. Gemstones have different frequencies, and can be placed on parts of the body or chakra...More »
  • On the Night Shift...

    George offered a 'night worker' hotline for listeners who've had strange experiences while toiling late into the night.More »
  • Divination of God

    Author and energy healing expert Dr. Shelley Kaehr discussed her newest book, Divination of God, in which she details a virtually unknown tool of divination that some believe allowed the high priests of ancient Israel to communicate with God.More »
  • Healing Stones & Edgar Cayce

    Author and energy healer Dr. Shelley Kaehr discussed her work into the therapeutic properties of minerals, metals and stones.A long time member of Edgar Cayce's A.R.E. (Association for Research and Enlightenment), she also shared Cayce's extensive work in this area, which he...More »
  • Parallel Realities

    Guest Host Hilly Rose welcomed renowned mind-body medicine expert, Dr. Shelley Kaehr, who talked about the evidence for parallel realities. Kaehr believes that "every time you make a decision, another universe is created."According to her theory, there are millions of different...More »