Forecasting with the Numbers

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Forecasting with the Numbers


  • World Years
  • The Year Ahead
  • Special Numbers
  • About the show

    Professional numerologist Glynis McCants presented a recap of 2006, a forecast for 2007 and beyond, and tips on how to use one's personal numbers for success in their lives.

    2007 is a "9" year (2+0+0+7 = 9) , and a 9 World Number represents clearing the way for a bright new beginning, she said. It's not a year for violence, so the Bush plan to increase troops in Iraq will backfire, McCants declared. Hillary Clinton, she noted, has a "9" attitude in a "9" year, so her presidential campaign bodes well in this cycle, as well as in 2008 which will be a "1" year that finds Hillary also going into a "1" cycle. There'll be a tremendous concentration on the environment in 2007, she added.

    Looking further down the road, Glynis noted that 2012 is a "5" year, which represents drama. Life could get surreal in this year, but also involve celebrations and breakthroughs. She also spoke about increasing prosperity by using the #8-- for instance, the number can be placed above a cash register to help improve business. The #2, she said, promotes love-- it can be posted on a bedroom door to encourage better communication.

    O'Hare UFO?

    First half-hour guest, Mark Allin of the Above Top Secret Forum reported on an alleged photograph of the O'Hare Airport UFO that was sent to them by an "anonymous poster." Purportedly taken on a cell phone, it was speculated that the photo was made by a pilot through the cockpit. However, Allin has concluded after speaking with digital experts, that the photo is likely a well-crafted hoax. View the image and the accompanying discussion thread here.

    Bumper Music

    Last Night

    Imperiled Animals / Navajo Rangers
    Imperiled Animals / Navajo Rangers
    Aysha Akhtar spoke with George Knapp about animals as emotional companions and the ways that society mistreats them. Followed by Stanley Milford Jr., who shared how the paranormal became part of his job with the Navajo Rangers.


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