China, Technology & the Future

Hosted byGeorge Noory

China, Technology & the Future


  • China's Missile Test: Implications
  • Microwave & Exotic Weaponry
  • Doreen Crain Interview
  • About the show

    'Historian of the future,' Charles Ostman, touched on a variety of topics, including the recent incident with China, who destroyed one of their aging satellites with a missile last week, as well as China's active espionage program.

    Ostman discussed the "badly miscalculated" War in Iraq, and the nuclear threat posed by Korea and Iran. Ostman expects that "we will have to do something to keep Iran from getting to far into its [nuclear] ambitions."

    He also spoke about the vulnerability of U.S. electronic infrastructure, as well as next-gen weaponry, the importance of fostering American innovation, and the country's potential to become the world's leader in green-tech (alternative fuels, etc.).

    During the 4th hour, George spoke briefly with Doreen Crain about her new book, My Son and an Alien!. which tells the story of her son, Area 51 microbiologist Dan Burisch. The remainder of the final hour featured Open Lines.

    Bumper Music

    Last Night

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