
  • Spencer: Global Warming
  • Caller: Demons in NY
  • Fanthorpe: Catacombs in Rome
  • About the show

    In a special night of Open Lines, George introduced a "Secret Door Line" in which popular Coast to Coast guests made surprise appearances. We first heard from seer Dr. Louis Turi who said the astrological "dragon" was heading into the fire sign of Leo which would coincide with two years of global warming. For April, he singled out the dates of the 5th-- for negative energy and disaster, and the 12th for possible earthquakes.

    Psychic Joseph Jacobs stopped by, reviewing some of his earlier predictions, and reminiscing about classic radio shows like Long John Nebel's. Then, the "Numbers Lady" Glynis McCants checked in. She'd recently served as an advisor for the hit TV show Dancing with the Stars, giving them her take on which pairs had the best numbers compatibility (Apollo & Julianne, Laila Ali & Maxim).

    Next through the secret door, was investigative mythologist William Henry who announced that he was planning a visit to CERN, the particle physics laboratory that will soon conduct experiments that may prove the existence of other dimensions. Astronomer Dr. Sky said he's been conducting "star parties" in the Phoenix area and praised new 'Hydrogen Alpha' telescopes which allow people to directly view the sun.

    Last through the secret door, was consummate storyteller Lionel Fanthorpe who recounted the tale of Spring Heel Jack and ghostly evidence at a UK pub. Mixed into the evening were Open Lines calls, including a special "demon" hotline. Carlos told of becoming entangled with devil worshippers, while Linda from New York state discussed her work as a demonologist. During one incident, a woman's head changed into that of a serpent and spit on her, she claimed.

    Global Warming Update

    First hour guest, scientist Roy Spencer shared his views about global warming. While he concurred that the Earth is heating up, he suggested that this was related more to natural cycles than manmade causes. According to studies of ice sheets which have been drilled into, temperatures 1,000 years ago were actually somewhat warmer than they are today, he said.

    Bumper Music

    Last Night

    Mass Extinction / Living in 5D
    Mass Extinction / Living in 5D
    Scientist and species explorer Quentin Wheeler shared insights into the state of biodiversity and a possible mass extinction. Followed by teacher Maureen St. Germain on how we can live in the 5th Dimension.


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