ETs Among Us

Hosted byGeorge Noory

ETs Among Us


  • Hunt: JFK Involvement
  • Daniel Fry & Robert Dean
  • Contactees Renaud & Hernandez
  • About the show

    A pioneer in the development of 'Exopolitics' (the political implications of the ET presence), Michael Salla discussed evidence for extraterrestrials that live among us. He studied contactee reports of the 1950s and 60s, and concluded that cases such as George Adamski have some validity to them (Adamski said he encountered a long-haired humanoid named Orthon who hailed from Venus). "Korendian" contactee Robert Renaud claims that over 150,000 human-looking extraterrestrials live in the United States, with over 30,000 in California alone, Salla reported.

    The late Daniel Fry, a technician at White Sands Proving Ground, said he met with an ET and tried to assist him in a mission to establish an ET presence on Earth and fit in undetected. Salla also considered information from various whistleblowers such as Retired Command Sgt. Major Robert O. Dean, who said ETs could be so human-appearing that they could walk the halls of NATO or even the White House and no one would recognize them as aliens.

    Salla also revisited Eisenhower's alleged 1954 meeting with ETs, revealing that a Cardinal had reportedly been present, and afterwards the Vatican set up a secret organization to deal with the issue. Also a whistleblower told Salla that 500-600 personnel at Holloman AFB were briefed about Eisenhower's meeting and sworn to secrecy.

    Hunt & the JFK Assassination

    First hour guest, Saint John Hunt, the son of the late 'super-spy' E. Howard Hunt, discussed his father's connection to the JFK assassination. Via a tape he sent to his son, E. Howard said that he was a "benchwarmer" to the "big event" (his code phrase for the JFK assassination).

    LBJ had a "maniacal urge" to be President and was involved in the "coup" along with CIA operative Cord Meyer, Saint John said he learned from his father, adding that a second gunman in addition to Oswald was a Corsican sharpshooter. He also shared that in the photo of the "three tramps" at Dealy Plaza, the man in the hat greatly resembles his father.

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