Planet X and 2012

Hosted byJohn B. Wells

Planet X and 2012

About the show

John B. Wells welcomed author and publisher Marshall Masters for a discussion on the relationship between crop circles, Planet X, and 2012. There is no question in my mind that Planet X, or Nibiru, exists, Masters said. Scientific evidence points to the existence of a celestial body perturbing the orbit of Neptune, he explained, noting how Pluto lacks the mass to have such an effect. This object also has a phenomenal amount of prophecy surrounding it and has been referenced in numerous ancient texts, including the Bible, he continued. Known to the ancients as 'The Destroyer', Planet X caused Noah's flood, the sinking of Atlantis, and on its last flyby, the ten plagues recorded in Exodus, Masters revealed.

Masters commented on a bizarre pattern of deaths among scientists who have studied deep space objects and Planet X. Dr. Harrington, chief astronomer of the U.S. Naval Observatory, died of mysterious rapid onset cancer before he could publicize his findings on Planet X's approach, Masters disclosed, adding that NASA suppressed his research and Harrington's widow believes the death was from unnatural causes. Planet X is in a long-period orbit approaching Earth from the south but still under the ecliptic plane in the southern sky, he said. According to Masters’ interpretation of the 2008 Avebury crop circle, a formation the size of four soccer fields, a comet-like object will be visible to the naked eye, appearing to the right of the sun in December. This event will be followed by severe solar storms, he warned.

TimeTraks Update

During the first hour, futurist Paul Guercio and physicist George Hart of the Merlin Project talked about their software-based forecasting technology and the graphical snapshots of time, called Timetraks, it generates. Guercio defended the technology against those who believe it's simply a random number generator, pointing out that it has predicted significant events such as the fall of the Soviet Union. "It finds the points in your life where [major changes] are likely to happen," Guercio explained, adding that such information allows one to take appropriate action. Hart spoke about the upcoming presidential debate on October 16. Neither Barack Obama nor Mitt Romney have strong Timetraks at present but the debate will be another high energy night, he said. The two also spoke about the critical time facing Apple Inc. and what it could mean for the stock market, the tough road ahead for Facebook, and a potential for more government centralization.


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As an exclusive for Coast to Coast, Marshall Masters has provided the following graphic (click for larger view) to accompany his appearance on the 10/6/12 show. According to Masters, it shows the 2008 Avebury crop circle prediction, as outlined in his book Crossing the Cusp, being validated by August 2012 observations.

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