Manifesting Luck / ET Communications

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Manifesting Luck / ET Communications

About the show

In the first half, clinical psychologist with a deep interest in psychokinesis, Joseph Gallenberger, updated his work on how we can manifest luck in our lives. He developed the "Liquid Luck" CD which features binaural beat technology that shifts brain wave patterns, and offers gentle verbal guidance. The CD suggests a person imagine that they're a great wizard or alchemist, and are holding a vial of sparkling liquid in front of them that they charge with the energies of happiness, abundance, praise, compassion, love and good fortune. Then, whenever they want during the day, they can take a sip of this imaginary liquid to boost their positive experiences.

Gallenberger said that a number of people who listened to his "Liquid Luck" CD have reported success stories, including someone who solved a complex hardware/software interface problem that had resisted efforts for two years, and another person sold their house after it had sat on the market for months. The way this works, he explained, is similar to the 'Law of Attraction'-- that like attracts like. So feeling lack creates lack, feeling fear creates what we fear. Instead if we genuinely feel happiness, gratitude, and abundance, these emotions attract good things to us.


In the latter half, Lisette Larkins, who has had extraordinary alien encounters since childhood, shared her hopeful vision of ETs, who want to mentor us through the crises we face. She views the ETs as being enlightened spiritual guardians, who are part of a specific soul group that interacts with our planet. Interestingly, she believes that her extraterrestrial contacts have enabled her to become more fully human. Through her encounters, she became clairvoyant, and was able to "pierce the veil" of all kinds of dimensional experiences. Yet, because this was so jarring initially, and her family and friends didn't understand what was happening to her, she ended up in a psychiatric hospital for a time when she was a young wife and mother.

Larkins described being in one of the ET's craft, which was so huge, it was like an "eco-system." In the early days, there were considerable physiological challenges in transporting her to their ship and she had to raise her "energetic fingerprint," and alter her vibration, she continued. The ETs can take on any appearance, so it's difficult to describe them, she added. "Our divinely inspired mentors, whether they are extraterrestrials or discarnate spirits are looking to see if the inner immortal character of our soul maintains its integrity in terms of values and ideals, and actions," during our particular lifetime, she explained.

News segment guests: Craig Hulet, Rhettman Mullis

Bumper Music

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