The Great Year

Hosted byRichard Syrett

The Great Year

About the show

Renegade scholar Randall Carlson joined guest host Richard Syrett (Twitter) to discuss the concept of the Great Year, which is rooted in the idea of cyclical time found in many ancient cultures, contrasting with the linear perception of time in modern Judeo-Christian traditions. Carlson presented the notion that the Great Year is approximately 26,000 years long, based on the processional cycle, which modern science corroborates through findings such as ice core analysis. By examining oxygen isotopes in ice cores and marine sediments, researchers can infer past climate conditions, revealing a correlation between ancient and modern data on environmental changes, he explained.

Carlson delved into the mechanics of the processional cycle, describing how the Earth's axial motion causes the position of the North Pole to change over time. This motion influences the vernal equinox's position against the backdrop of the stars, leading to shifts in the zodiacal ages. Carlson revealed that these changes occur gradually, with each zodiacal age lasting approximately 2,160 years. This astronomical phenomenon, although imperceptible within a single human lifetime, has profound implications for ancient cosmology and mythology.

Carlson cited ancient texts, such as Plato's Timaeus, to illustrate the recurrence of cataclysmic events like floods and fires throughout history. He suggested these events, which could be caused by phenomena like asteroid impacts or volcanic eruptions, contribute to the cyclical nature of civilization's rise and fall. By interpreting myths and traditions from various cultures, Carlson emphasized the importance of integrating ancient cosmological knowledge with modern scientific understanding to grasp the broader context of humanity's place within the cosmos.

The Beatles' Impact

In the first hour, music journalist Harvey Kubernik reflected on the cultural impact of The Beatles and their influence on shaping the music scene of the time. He discussed the significance of Ed Sullivan's platform in introducing new musical acts to the public and acknowledged the collaborative efforts between Sullivan, The Beatles' manager Brian Epstein, and Capitol Records in promoting the band. Kubernik touched on the broader influence of The Beatles on media platforms, the role of Canada in supporting their rise, and the potential impact of historical events like the Kennedy assassination on the band's success. He also mentioned his ongoing projects, including a documentary on Del Shannon and the legendary Gold Star Recording Studios.

Bumper Music

Last Night

Imperiled Animals / Navajo Rangers
Imperiled Animals / Navajo Rangers
Aysha Akhtar spoke with George Knapp about animals as emotional companions and the ways that society mistreats them. Followed by Stanley Milford Jr., who shared how the paranormal became part of his job with the Navajo Rangers.


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