Ancient ET Contact / NDEs & Quantum Reality

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Ancient ET Contact / NDEs & Quantum Reality

About the show

Paul Anthony Wallis is a researcher, speaker and author of books on spirituality and mysticism. He researches the world’s mythologies for how they speak to our origins as a species and our potential today as human beings. He joined George in the first half to discuss evidence of ancient ET contact in the Bible’s deep past, along with forgotten secrets about human progress, political power, emotional intelligence, and human potential, as well as updates on disclosure and the implications of the congressional hearings. Wallis explained that he worked in church ministry for 33 years as an archdeacon and educator in the Anglican Church in Australia. “It was my work as a theological educator that got me into the word of contact,” Wallis explained. “That’s the theory of ET contact in the deep past.” He explained that it was in studying the etymology of different words, and the intention behind word choice, that his theories began to take form. “It was the aspect of Bible translation, and finding that the root meanings of keywords carry a totally different story to the one we’re all familiar with from Sunday school,” Wallis related, that made him begin to look at the idea of ancient contact in a new light.

The term for that kind of contact is paleo-contact, or ancient contact, referring to contact all the way back in the human Stone Age – the Paleolithic. “Paleo contact is the hypothesis that our ancestors in the deep past had contact with visitors from other civilizations – extraterrestrial civilizations. And I find evidence for that in indigenous stories, ancient texts, and ancestral narratives all around the world.” While his way into the world of ancient aliens started with an attempt to understand the root meanings of words, he explained, “Since then, I’ve gone around the world. I’ve listened to African stories. I’ve listened to Meso-American stories. Norse stories. You can go anywhere on the planet, and there’s a folkloric layer of story that seems to carry very similar memories of contact in the deep past." Wallis also discussed the recent congressional hearings and traced the roots of the American government's involvement with UFOs back to Dwight Eisenhower. “The urban legend has been that (Eisenhower’s middle of the night 1954 meeting in Palm Springs) this was a meeting to do with compacts being made with ET visitors. But in my new book, The Invasion of Eden, I argue that what was actually happening is that Eisenhower was being read into agreements that were already in place from the administration of his predecessor, Harry Truman."


An ordained minister for over 40 years, Jim Willis has taught college courses in comparative religion and cross-cultural studies and has written more than 20 books on history, religion, the apocalypse, cross-cultural spirituality, and the mysteries of the unknown. He discussed his latest work on the neuroscience, medicine, and biology of near-death experiences (NDE) and similar phenomena found in the Bible, the Tibetan Book of the Dead, the Talmud, and the Quran; what folklore and personal stories reveal about this alternate consciousness that occurs during a life-threatening situation; and possible answers involving quantum reality, parallel universes, and the subconscious. Willis explained that this journey started for him when he was very young, and just out of school. “About 50 years ago, I was in my twenties, got out of school… I knew all the answers… I was going to be the great expert on everything. And I walked into a hospital room one time to see a parishioner of mine.” He explained that he knew she liked hymns, so when he visited, he brought his guitar and sang with her. That prompted her, on one occasion, to share with him about the people who liked to listen to him sing with her. “I looked around, I was the only one in the room, and I said, “Well, I’m the only one. I’m here by myself.” But she responded, “Oh, they’re out in the hallway. I think they like your music. They usually don’t come in through the portal until you pass. Until you leave.” He mentioned it to a nurse who said she’d been making similar statements to other staff recently, and that they didn’t think she had much time left. “I think she’s out of her head. It probably won’t be long,” the nurse told him. And, he said, it wasn’t much longer before she did pass.

Willis put it out of his head until years later when he was called to visit with another parishioner and heard very similar stories. That led to him reevaluating everything he thought he knew. “I’m glad to say that over the next 40 years, not only did I realize I didn’t know all the answers, I didn’t even know all the questions,” he added. “I was all ready to use all the normal stuff; the blood and the brain is shutting down. Or we’re reliving our past memories, and all this kind of stuff. And I realized, toward the end of my ministry… I realized that I had missed a tremendous opportunity to really talk to all those people who claimed that they saw people, and claimed that they met with loved ones.” Now he believes that at the end of life, we’re all ready to, “journey back to where we came from,” adding that he calls it “the source.” He said we come from the source, “that sense of perfect peace, perfect unity, the still point in the center of the circle that’s going around.” Then, he said, “we come through various files of consciousness, what Einstein and Stephen Hawking called the mind of God. We journey out through the Akashic field. We journey into the sense of quantum reality, which I like to call thoughts and intentions.” This is before we ever become physical, he said, and this is what we long to return to at the end. “I think what happens when we die is, we just make the journey backwards, but we don’t do it alone.”

News Segment Guests: Lauren Weinstein / Steve Kates

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