Lisa Barretta

Lisa Barretta


Lisa Barretta is a practicing astrologer, intuitive counselor, certified Reiki practitioner, and researcher in the fields of consciousness and psychic sensing. Her ability in astrological delineation coupled with uncanny intuitive insight has secured a loyal following in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, and the Middle East. She is a member of the National Council for Geocosmic Research -NCGR, the American Federation of Astrologers - AFA, and the International Society for Astrological Research - ISR.



Past Shows:

  • UFOs & Billy Meier Case / Psychic Vibrations & Astrology

    Documentary filmmaker Brit Elders shared updates on the Billy Meier case and her UFO research. Followed by psychic reader and author Lisa Barretta with insights on astrology and vibrations.More »
  • Fatima & UFOs/ Psychic Meanings of Tattoos

    L.A. Marzulli presented new research on the Fatima incident. Followed by Lisa Barretta on the psychic aspects of tattoos.More »
  • Ghosts & Psychics

    Appearing in the second hour, psychic reader and Reiki practitioner, Lisa Barretta, discussed whether consciousness lives on after the death of the physical body, as well as her psychic abilities, and investigations. Parapsychologist and paranormal investigator, Loyd Auerbach,...More »
  • Psychic Energy & Transformation/ Dowsing

    In the first half, psychic reader Lisa Barretta discussed the new waves of energy that are coming in 2012 which are part of the human transformation process, and also spoke about astrology and psychic practices. In the latter half, alternative healers Dave & Erina Cowan talked...More »